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IA#33-04  2/16/89

TYPE OF ALERT:  Automatic Detention

PRODUCT      :  Candy Pacifiers (gummy pacifiers)

PRODUCT CODE :  33L[][]07

PROBLEM      :  Adulterated, unfit for food. (Severe health hazard in toddlers
                and infants in that product could result in asphyxiation)

PAC          :  03819A

COUNTRY      :  All

SHIPPER      :  All

CHARGE       :  "The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to
                section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to be unfit for food
                [adulteration 402(a)(3)]."

OFFICE       :  CFSAN, HFF-310

ALERT        :  Samples of the "Gummy Pacifier" were collected by KAN-DO under
                DI89-551-248, 304/305 from a dealer in Iowa.  The manufacturer
                of the "Gummy Pacifiers" is Wilk. Schmitz-Scholl, Federal
                Republic of Germany.  Initially, seizure of the product was
                recommended because management refused to recall or stop sales
                of the product.

                Examination and evaluation of the "Gummy Pacifier", on
                December 21, 1988, by the Health Hazard Evaluation Board (HEE
                No. 2144) concluded that the size and the shape of the product
                tended to increase the likelihood of it lodging in the upper
                airway and producing partial or complete obstruction.  In
                addition,  when this type of product becomes wet, it is very
                slippery which enhances the chance of asphyxiation.  It was
                the Board's opinion that candy pacifiers present a potential
                choking hazard to infants and small children.  (In 1974 the
                Board made a similiar evaluation of candy pacifiers.)

                On December 27, 1988, the firm's president, accompanied by
                legal counsel, met at CFSAN to discuss the status of the
                samples.  After being informed of the health hazard evaluation,
                firm representatives agreed that a recall was warranted and
                would be started promptly.  Lots of remaining stock and those
                recalled will be re-exported to the Federal Republic of
                Germany in accordance with Section 801(d) of the Act.

INSTRUCTIONS :  Automatically detain all candy pacifiers, including product
                labeled as "Gummy Pacifiers", from all countries and all

FOI          :  No purging required.