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IA #16-105,   ------REVISED 06/04/96,   ATTACHMENT REVISED 3/23/09

     NOTE:     This alert has been revised to incorporate uniform guidance for
               decomposition, revise references to the CPG, and to update the
               format.  This revision incorporates firms and products covered by
               Import Alert #16-38, "Automatic Detention of Shrimp Due to
               Decomposition" and 16-41, "Automatic Detention and Increased
               Surveillance of Scallops Due to Decomposition."  Upon issuance of
               this revision, Import Alerts #16-38 and 16-41 are cancelled.
               Additional changes are bracketed by asterisks().

SUBJECT:       "Automatic Detention of Seafood and Seafood Products from
               Specific Manufacturers/Shippers Due to Decomposition and/or

TYPE OF ALERT: Detention Without Physical Examination

               (Note:  This import alert contains guidance to FDA field
               personnel only.  It does not establish any requirements or
               create any rights or obligations on FDA or on regulated

PRODUCT:       Seafood and seafood products, except:

               -Mahimahi covered under Import Alert #16-05;
               -Shrimp covered under Import Alerts #16-18 and 16-35.
               -Canned shrimp from Thailand covered under Import Alert
               -Canned tuna covered under Import Alert #16-95

PRODUCT CODE:  See attachment

PROBLEM:       Decomposition (MSDC)
               Histamines (FLHS)

PAC:           03844

COUNTRY:       See attachment

SHIPPER:       See attachment

SHIPPERS ID#:  See attachment

CHARGE:        For decomposition:

               "The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to
               Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to consist in whole or
               in part of a decomposed substance, or to be otherwise unfit
               for food [Adulteration, Section 402(a)(3)]."


               For histamine:

               "The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to
               Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain
               histamine, a poisonous and deleterious substance in such
               quantity as ordinarily renders it injurious to health,
               [Adulteration, Section 402(a)(1)]."

OFFICE:        Division of Import Operations and Policy (HFC-170)

ALERT:         DIOP has received recommendations from districts for
               detention without physical examination of seafood and
               seafood products from specific manufacturers/shippers due to
               decomposition.  This import alert has been developed for
               manufacturers and shippers of decomposed seafood products
               and products that contain histamines that meet the criteria
               for detention without physical examination and cannot
               readily be included in previously existing alerts.

               Since early May 1992, the Agency has noted several separate
               outbreaks of scrombroid poisoning attributed to fresh or
               frozen tuna.  The most recent outbreak occurred in Florida
               and was traced to frozen tuna packed by a firm in Taiwan.

GUIDANCE:      Districts may detain, without physical examination,
               shipments of the specified products from the firms
               identified on the attachment to this alert.

               Surveillance sampling of all shrimp and scallop shipments is

               When districts encounter multiple violative shipments of
               seafood products for decomposition, detected
               organoleptically or as indole or histamines from the same
               manufacturer or shipper, a recommendation for detention
               without physical examination should be forwarded to DIOP.
               DIOP, in turn, will coordinate with CFSAN.

               Compliance Policy Guide (CPG)540.575 contains guidance for
               evaluating decomposition in fish.

               Refer to Compliance Program CP 7303.844 - Import Seafood
               Products for sample collection guidance and instructions on
               methodology for histamine or indole analysis.

               For questions or issues concerning science, science policy,
               sample collection, analysis, preparation, or analytical
               methodology, contact the Division of Field Science at (301)
               443-3320 or 3007.


FOI:           No purging required.

KEYWORDS:      Decomposition, histamine, indole, seafood, crabmeat, fish,

PREPARED BY:   Ted Poplawski, DIOP (301) 443-6553

INTO FIARS:         June 4, 1996

                      ATTACHMENT IA #16-105  REVISED 3/23/09


                                CHILE (CL, 275)

FIRM                PRODUCT        ALERT     PRODUCT   REASON
                                   DATE CODE

Antarfish Sociedad  Fresh & frozen  12/2/93  16E[]A05  Decomposition
 Anonima                scallops
Moneda 920 OF. 205-206
Santiago, Chile
FEI# 1000145352

Pesquera Santa      Frozen Whiting  8/19/94  16A[]G49  Decomposition
 Lucia S.A.              Fresh Whiting
Casilla 131
Quintero, Chile
FEI# 1000128361

Productos Marinos        Fresh & frozen  8/19/94  16E[]A05  Decomposition
 Del Norte               scallops
Gallo 395
Caldera, Chile
FEI# 1000208181

                         CHINA (CN)

FIRM                PRODUCT        ALERT     PRODUCT   REASON
                                   DATE CODE

Zhejiang Zhongda Xinli Trading     Frozen IQF     3/1/01    16J[][]05
Co. Ltd.                      Shrimp              16X[][]21
No 11f Tower A, Zhongda Plaza
Hangzhou, China
FEI# 3003040003

                        ECUADOR (EC, 325)

FIRM                PRODUCT        ALERT     PRODUCT   REASON
                                   DATE CODE

Bajaspec S.A.       Fresh, Fresh Frozen   7/12/01 16A-D69   Histamines
   aka              Escolar
Especies de Bajamamar
Cdla Adace Mz
113 b Calle 5 ta
Guayaquil, Ecuador
FEI# 13428

Crimaxi S.A.        Fresh, Fresh Frozen   7/13/01   16A-D69 Histamines
Santa Cecilia       Escolar
Mz Xa Solar 14
Guayaquil, Ecuador
FEI# 3003024904

Estemar S.A.        Fresh & fresh  6/24/87  16J[][]05  Decomposition
 aka Stella Maris        frozen shrimp
Guayaquil, Ecuador
FEI# 190

Marco Marchan       Fresh, Fresh Frozen 7/13/01   16A-D69    Histamines
Fresh Fish Analore S.A.  Escolar
Calle 14 y Ave.21
Manta, Ecuador
FEI# 3002769771

Pefresman Cia. Ltda.     Fresh/Fresh         7/29/97   16A--54   Histamine
Calle 113, Avenida 103   Marlin Loins
Manta, Ecuador
FEI# 13375

Promarosa            Fresh, Fresh Frozen  9/26/02 16A 69    Histamines
(Productos del Mar Santa Escolar
Rosa Cia. Ltda.)
Manzana No. 14
Santa Rosa, Salinas
FEI #1000155732


(Productos del Mar Santa Rosa Cia. Ltda.)
10 de Augosto 103 y Malecon P.B. OFC.11
Guayaquil, Ecuador
FEI #3000181496

                         GUYANA (GY, 418)

FIRM                PRODUCT        ALERT     PRODUCT   REASON
                                   DATE CODE

Tropical Products        Fresh & fresh  8/30/93   16J[][]05 Decomposition
 (Guy), Ltd.        frozen shrimp
Lot 41 Boyle Place
Georgetown, Guyana
FEI# 1000134187

                         INDONESIA (ID, 458)

FIRM                PRODUCT        ALERT     PRODUCT   REASON
                                   DATE CODE

Cv Puri Rasa Food        Frozen yellow-   12/21/01 16A--45  Decomposition
Industry            fin tuna fillet
Br. Carik Padang,
Desa Nyambu
Tabanan, Indonesia
FEI# 1000151855

Pt. Arabikatama          Tuna, frozen   11/29/06  Histamines
Khatulistiwa Fishing     16A[][]45
Jl. By Pass Ngurah
Rai No. 92XX
Denpasar, Indonesia
FEI # 3004276277

P.T. Damarina Sumber Bahari        All Tuna Products        Histamine
J1 Ikan Tuna Raya No.19            16A -45
Pelbenoa Denpasar
Bali, Indonesia, 80222             12/17/04
FEI# 3004170448

PT. Dharma Samudera Scarlet Snapper     2/2/06    16A[][]37 Decomposition
Fishing Industries
Jl. Laks. R.E.           Frozen Tuna         3/27/07   16A[][]45 Histamines
Martadinata 1
Tanjung Priok
Jakarta, Indonesia
FEI# 3004129247

Pt. Fajar Insan Nusantara     Frozen Tuna  4/29/02   16A[][]45  Decomposition
Jl Pejompongan
Dajam No. 5
Jakarta, Indonesia
FEI #3002952831

Pt. Hatindo Makmur  Tuna      12/18/08  16A[][]45 Decomposition
Jl Ikan Tuna III
No. 2  Benoa
Denpasar, Bali
FEI# 2000045703

Pt. Lautan Murti              Tuna Products  1/29/02   16A[][]45
JL. Lingkar Timur No. 23 Cliacap
Jawa Tengah, 52313, Indonesia
FEI# 3003399879

PT. Mandhaga Wiratama     Frozen Raw Tuna    11/5/01 16A--45     Decomposition
Jl Cempaka Putih Tengah                                     &
17 Blok F5 No. 34                                              Histamines
Jakarta Pusat            Frozen Smoked/carbon   11/5/01 16S--45
Indonesia                monoxide treated
FEI# 3002924671          Tuna Products

PT. Meka Permata Rejeki       Frozen Tuna         10/11/07  Histamines
Jl. Ikan Tuna Raya No. 17     16A--45
Benoa, Denpasar
Bali, Indonesia
FEI# 2000044392

                              JAPAN (JP)

FIRM                PRODUCT        ALERT     PRODUCT   REASON
                                   DATE CODE

Sankyo Food Kogyo Co., Ltd.   8/13/01   Frozen Shrimp  Decomposition
Tokiwa Bldg., 3-8                       16J--05
Tsukiji 4 Chome                         16X--21
Chu-Ku, Tokyo
FEI# 14102

                         MEXICO (MX, 595)

FIRM                PRODUCT        ALERT     PRODUCT   REASON
                                   DATE CODE

Baja Blue Foods de  Cooked claw       5/9/03 16J[]T01    Decomposition
Mexico SA de CV          crab meat           16J[]N01
Calle Durango S/N
Frente Esc. Primaria
Puerto Penasco
Sonora, Mexico
FEI# 3003813448

Crown Crab Company  Pasteurized      7/25/95 16J[]G01  Decomposition
Calle 63, No. 15         Claw Crabmeat
Ciudad del Carmen
Campeche, Mexico
FEI# 1000382750

Jose Tiburcio       Frozen      10/7/94 16J[]G01  Decomposition
 Otero Diaz Infante Crabmeat
Calle Norte 805, Fracc.
Villa California Ciudad
Obregon, Sonora, Mexico
FEI# 1000153625

Juan Ramon Ganem Vargas     Oilfish     4/24/08    16A[][]99     Decomposition
Domicilio Conocido Km. 7.5                                  &
Carretera Tuxpan-La Barra Norte S/N                    Histamines
La Barra, C.P. 92773, Tuxpan
Veracruz, Mexico
FEI# 3006138524

                           MYANMAR (MM)

FIRM                PRODUCT        ALERT     PRODUCT   REASON
                                   DATE CODE

Myint Myat Hein          Shrimp, frozen 11/19/03 16J  -05   Decomposition
Trading Co., Ltd.                               16X- -21
No.23(B)Kwin Kyaung Rd.
Ahlone T/S
Yangon, Myanmar
FEI # 3003684537

                        PAKISTAN (PK, 700)

FIRM                PRODUCT        ALERT     PRODUCT   REASON
                                   DATE CODE

Seapak Enterprises  Fresh & fresh  8/30/93   16J[][]05 Decomposition
8-3 Fish Harbour         frozen shrimp
 W. Wharf
Karachi, Pakistan
FEI# 1000455473

                         PERU (PE, 720)

FIRM                PRODUCT        ALERT     PRODUCT   REASON
                                   DATE CODE

Acuicola, S.A.      Fresh & frozen  4/27/93  16E[]A05  Decomposition
Av. Las Gladiolus S/N    scallops
Urbanizacion Castilla
Piura, Peru
FEI# 1000133615

Administration      Fresh & frozen 10/17/95  16E[]A05  Decomposition
 General De Servicios    scallops
General  Borgono 309-201
Pueblo Libre, Lima 21, Peru
FEI# 1000375982

Ransanos S.A.       Fresh & frozen 4/27/93   16E[]A05  Decomposition
El Prado 482        scallops
Lima, Peru
FEI# 1000131559

Sur Pesca, S.A.     Fresh & frozen 4/27/93   16E[]A05  Decomposition
Colon 311 Miraflores     scallops
Lima, Peru
FEI# 1000133614

                      PHILIPPINES (PH, 725)

FIRM                PRODUCT        ALERT     PRODUCT        REASON
                                   DATE CODE

Adelmar Marine Porudcts       Tuna Cubes       6/5/02  16A[][]45 Histamines
Trading Corp             Frozen
9749 Santan Street
Vitalez Compound, Baltao
Paranaque, Metro Manila,
FEI #3003560632

A & J Seafoods and Marine     Tuna Products  3/23/09 16A[][]45
Products Inc.                                     Decomposition
General Santos City Fishport Complex                        &
Santos, Philippines                               Histamines
FEI# 3004352846

Alyanna Enterprises      Dried Herring   1/13/04 16A- -21   Histamines
#2 Mulawin Street             (AKA Dried Tuyo)
Town & Country
   Executive Village
Marcos Hi-Way
FEI# 3004095862

Amor Nino International       Dried Herring, 8/7/03    16A- -21  Histamines
Trading Inc.             frozen
Taguiporo, Sta. Ignacia
Tarlac, Philippines      Dried Mackerel,8/7/03    16A- -73  Histamines
FEI # 1000443882              frozen              16A- -22

Edlou Enterprises             Dried Mackerel   8/20/03 Histamines
341 Constancia Street         16A-H73
Manila, Philippines
FEI# 3003542896

Fitrite Inc.             Smoked Herring 12/16/05  Histamines
145 Gen. Evangelista St. (Sea-Herring)
Extension                16I[][]21
Caloocan City            16S[][]21
FEI# 3004262563

Mendoza Industries  Dried Herring (Sardines) 12/18/02  Histamines
D'Beach Siyacab          in Corn Oil                   and
Dipolog City        16A- - 21                Decomposition
Philippines              16A- - 33
FEI #3002668757

Star Exports             Dried Herring       7/10/03   16A--21   Histamines
3 Kanduli Street         Products
Silvina Village
Novaliches, Quezon City
FEI# 3002838256


FIRM                     PRODUCT        ALERT          PRODUCT   REASON
                                        DATE      CODE

Albaladejo Hermanos, S.A.    Salt Cured Tuna  2/1/07  16A- -45   Decomposition
Los Saez, 2                  Products                                 and
30748 San Pedro de Pinatar                                       Histamines

Murcia, Spain
FEI# 2000013041

                           TAIWAN (TW)

FIRM                PRODUCT        ALERT     PRODUCT   REASON
                                   DATE CODE

Ching Yi Cheng                Frozen Slipper        Decomposition
Industrial Co., Ltd.          Lobster Tails
Mfg. # 7F3 0083               and Meat
No. 6 Chang Tai St.           16J -08
Kaohsiung, Taiwan             4/16/03
FEI# 3003070527

Fa Tai Frozen Food Works Frozen Slipper 3/3/06    Decomposition
No. 3, Hsing Yu 4th Road      Lobster Tails
Chien-Chen District      (Brown Shell)
Kaohsiung, Taiwan             16J{}{}04
FEI# 3004826355               16J{}{}08

Forever Frozen Seafoods
6F, No. 8, 41 Lane, Hsin-Chia Rd.
Feng Shan City
Kaohsiung, Hsien, Taiwan
FEI# 3004328585

Interwave Company
4th Floor, No. 385-3,
Wan Ta Road
Taipei, Taiwan
FEI#  3002789137

Hochico Marine Processing     Frozen Slipper      Decomposition
  Corp.                  Lobster Tails
29, Der Shin 1st Road         and Meat
Taiwan                   16J--08
FEI# 3002808707               8/5/04

                          THAILAND (TH)

FIRM NAME                     PRODUCT/PC          DATE      REASON

LI-Thai Frozen Foods Co., Ltd.     Frozen Slipper 12/27/05  Decompositio
428/a Mu I Tambon Pakpoon          Lobster
Muang Nakonsritammarat             16J[][]08
FEI# 3002800381

Sethachon Company                  Frozen Steamed 11/21/05  Histamines
225 Moo 12, Teparak Rd.            Mackerel
Bangpli Yai, Bangpli               16A[][]22
Samut Prakan                  16A[][]73
FEI# 1000324312

                         VENEZUELA (VE,940)

FIRM                PRODUCT        ALERT     PRODUCT   REASON
                                   DATE CODE

Comercializadora de Crabmeat, 9/12/07   16J[][]01 Decomposition
Productos Marinos        Pasteurized
aka Compromar       Unpasteurized
Calle 10, Ub.San Miguel
Local 16-67
Zulia, Venezuela
FEI# 2000014539

Todamar S.A.        Pasteurized       7/28/95     16J[]G01  Decomposition
Avenia San Francisco     Canned
No. 131-443, 1      Crabmeat
Maracaibo, Venezuela
FEI# 1000181104

                           VIETNAM (VT)

FIRM                     PRODUCT        ALERT     PRODUCT   REASON
                                        DATE CODE

Hai Vuong Co., Ltd.      All Tuna Products             Histamines &
Lot B, No. 1 St.              16A -- 45
Suoi Dau Industrial Zone 6/23/04                  Decomposition
Khanh Hoa Province
FEI #3004277224

Kien Giang Ltd.               Pangasius   09/16/05  Decomposition
80/18A Ba Huyen Thanh Quan,   Bocourti Dist.
3, Ho Chi Minh City      Fillets
Vietnam                  16A[][]82/
FEI# 3003978428               16X[][]43

My Thanh Co., Ltd.  All Mackerel   10/18/02  16A[][]22 Histamines
B1/16a Quoc Lo 1         Products               16A[][]73 & Decomposition
Binh Chanh Dist.
Ho Chi Minh City
FEI #3001224437

T & N  Co. Ltd.          Frozen    9/14/05 16A[][]45    Histamines
57 Hong Bang Street      Tuna Steaks
Nha Tran City,
Khanh Hoa Province
FEI# 3004796935

Tin Thinh Co. Ltd.  Frozen Tuna         03/2/05   16A[][]45 Histamines
80B, 23 Thang 10 St.
Nha Trang City,
FEI # 3003849326