Science Working Group & Burst Workshop

September 12-13, 2002
Huntsville, AL


September 12, 2002 - Burst Workshop:

9:00 Welcome & Introduction Chip Meegan
9:10 Current status of GRB observations Jerry Fishman
9:40 Afterglows and Follow-up Network Chryssa Kouveliotou
10:00 Detector Triggers and Burst Populations David Band
10:20 Break  
10:40 Summary of EGRET results Brenda Dingus
11:10 Observations and Implications of Spectral Lags Jay Norris
11:30 Jets Jay Salmonson
11:50 Lunch  
1:00 TeV gamma ray observations Julie McEnery
1:20 Summary of current theoretical issues Dieter Hartmann
1:50 The Fireworks Model Guido Barbiellini
2:05 Swift Capabilities Relative to GLAST Neil Gehrels
2:25 Break  
3:00 Burst capabilities of the LAT Peter Michelson
Steve Ritz presented
3:15 Burst capabilities of the GBM Giselher Lichti
3:30 What can be learned from GRB spectra Rob Preece
4:00 Theoretical models for high-energy radiation from GRBs Chuck Dermer
4:30 Theoretical issues to be addressed by GLAST Peter Meszaros
5:00 Adjourn  
7:30 Dinner at Landry's Seafood House of Huntsville  

September 13, 2002 - Science Working Group

8:30 Welcome and Opening Comments
Introductions, Review of Agenda
J. F. Ormes
8:40 Comments from NASA and DoE Headquarters
Joint Operations Working Group and Project Status
Agreements, budget status, issues and concerns, etc.
P. Hertz
K. Turner
9:00 Comments by and/or Questions from non-US participants  
9:15 Education initiatives L. Cominsky
9:45 Public Relations N. Gehrels
10:00 Break  
10:15 Project Overviews
Data downlink rate and contact frequency, planned spacecraft trade studies, impact of special autonomous repointing operations, schedule, etc
L. Citrin
Al Vernacchio presented
10:30 Spacecraft overview Spectrum Astro
Tim Morse presented
11:30 The Large Area Telescope (LAT)
LAT Issues and concerns
Steve Ritz
12:00 The Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM)
GBM Issues and concerns
C. Meegan
12:30 Lunch  
1:30 Preparation of GLAST Science Plan N. Gehrels
1:45 Report of the Working Group on burst studies
GBM-LAT interface, realtime on-board repointing decisions and constraints, operations planning and modes update.
C. Meegan
2:15 Break  
2:30 Report of the LAT-GRB science team J. Norris
M. Kippen
2:45 SSC Status and Report of the SSC
Software review and plans
D. Band
3:15 Review of the Actions from last meeting
Definition of transient
SRD revisions
J. Ormes
3:30 Other issues arising, discussion and New Actions review J. Ormes
4:00 Adjourn