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Found 1098 studies with search of:   "Asthma"
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1 Completed Budesonide Inhalation Suspension for Acute Asthma in Children
Conditions: Asthma;   Acute Asthma;   Reactive Airway Exacerbation
Intervention: Drug: Budesonide inhalation suspension (0.5 mg/2mL)
2 Enrolling by invitation HFCWO in Hospitalized Asthmatic Children
Conditions: Bronchial Asthma;   Asthma;   Status Asthmaticus
Interventions: Device: High Frequency Chest Wall Oscillation via Vest (Hill-Rom Vest(tm));   Device: Regular nebulized bronchodilator treatment.
3 Not yet recruiting Pilot Study of Pioglitazone for the Treatment of Moderate to Severe Asthma in Obese Asthmatics (Glitz Asthma)
Condition: Asthma
Interventions: Drug: Pioglitazone;   Drug: Placebo
4 Completed Asthma Patient Survey Study to Assess Asthma Effect and Medication in Finland
Condition: Asthma
5 Completed Chest Wall Oscillation for Asthma and COPD Exacerbations Trial (COAT)
Conditions: Asthma;   Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD);   Undifferentiated Asthma/COPD
Intervention: Device: High Frequency Chest Wall Oscillator
6 Recruiting Comparing Asthma Action Plans for Pediatric Asthma
Condition: Asthma
Intervention: Device: Pictorial asthma action plan
7 Completed Trial to Evaluate the Effect of Statins on Asthma Control of Patients With Chronic Asthma
Condition: Asthma
Interventions: Drug: Atorvastatin;   Drug: Placebo
8 Not yet recruiting Symbicort Usage in Asthma Treatment and Impact of a New Therapeutic Strategy on Compliance and Asthma Control in France
Condition: Asthma
9 Completed Evaluate the Effects on Asthma Control of Rabeprazole Given Twice Daily in Subjects With Asthma.
Conditions: Asthma;   Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Intervention: Drug: rabeprazole
10 Recruiting Omalizumab Use and Asthma-Related Quality of Life in Patients With Severe Persistent Allergic Asthma
Condition: Asthma
Interventions: Drug: Omalizumab;   Drug: conventional therapy
11 Recruiting Effect of Statins on Asthma Control in Smokers With Asthma + Pilot Study of Effect of Statins on Lung Function in COPD
Conditions: Asthma;   COPD;   Smoking
Interventions: Drug: Atorvastatin;   Drug: atorvastatin;   Drug: matched placebo
12 Not yet recruiting Pilot Study of Pioglitazone for the Treatment of Moderate to Severe Asthma in Obese Asthmatics
Condition: Asthma
Interventions: Drug: pioglitazone;   Drug: placebo
13 Recruiting Optimization of Asthma Treatment Through Exhaled NO for Increased Asthma-Related Quality of Life (NOAK)
Condition: Allergic Asthma
Intervention: Device: Use of exhaled NO as a guide to regulate asthma treatment
14 Completed Pediatric Asthma Study Using Stepwise Treatment With Two Food And Drug Administration Approved Asthma Medications
Condition: Asthma
Interventions: Drug: Salmeterol/Fluticasone propionate combination product;   Drug: Fluticasone propionate
15 Completed Effect of Different Anti-Asthmatic Treatments on Lung Function and on Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction in Children With Asthma
Condition: Asthma
Interventions: Drug: budesonide and montelukast;   Drug: budesonide and formoterol;   Drug: montelukast;   Drug: budesonide;   Drug: placebo
16 Completed Safety and Efficacy Study to Determine Anti-Asthmatic Effect of Esomeprazole Magnesium; Nexium Reflux Asthma
Conditions: Asthma;   GERD
Intervention: Drug: Esomeprazole
17 Completed Dose Response of Inhaled Tacrolimus in Patients With Moderate Persistent Asthma
Conditions: Asthma, Bronchial;   Bronchial Asthma
Intervention: Drug: tacrolimus
18 Completed Inhaled Tacrolimus, Add-on to Inhaled Corticosteroids & Long Acting B2 Agonists in Moderate to Severe Persistent Asthma
Conditions: Asthma, Bronchial;   Bronchial Asthma
Intervention: Drug: Tacrolimus
19 Recruiting National Survey on Asthma
Condition: Asthma
20 Completed A Comparative Study To Determine If Motivating Asthma Education (Compliance Enhancement) Has An Effect On Asthma Control
Condition: Asthma
Intervention: Behavioral: motivation asthma education (compliance enhancement)

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