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Found 4 studies with search of:   "Mediastinitis"
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1 Completed Topical Vancomycin in Prevention of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcal Related Mediastinitis in Patients Receiving Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
Condition: Coronary Artery Disease
Intervention: Procedure: coronary artery bypass grafting via midline sternotomy
2 Recruiting Rapid Sternal Closure System (TALON)
Conditions: Sternal Wound Infection;   Mediastinitis
Intervention: Device: Rapid Sternal Closure System
3 Recruiting Evaluation of Primary Plating in Sternotomy Patients for Osteosynthesis and Pain
Conditions: Sternal Wound Infection;   Sternal Non-Union;   Pain;   Mediastinitis
Intervention: Device: SternaLock Rigid Fixation System
4 Recruiting A Study of Staphylococcus Aureus Vaccine (V710) in Patients Scheduled for Cardiothoracic Surgery
Conditions: Staphylococcus Aureus;   Bacteremia;   Mediastinitis
Interventions: Biological: V710;   Biological: Comparator: Placebo (unspecified)

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