Web of Science


Web of Science® provides researchers, administrators, faculty, and students with quick, powerful access to the world's leading citation databases.  Authoritative, multidisciplinary content covers over 10,000 of the highest impact journals worldwide, including Open Access journals and over 110,000 conference proceedings.  You'll find current and retrospective coverage in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities, with coverage available to 1900.

Overcome information overload and focus on essential data across 256 disciplines.


"Web of Science makes it possible to conduct cross-disciplinary research and 'drill down' into very specialized subfields within disciplines. The ability to navigate forward or backward within a field of literature, identifying citation patterns and core publications -- which have always been a key feature of citation indices -- is incredibly easy to conduct with Web of Science."

-- Sul H. Lee, Dean, University Libraries, University of Oklahoma, U.S.

With Web of Science, you can:

  • Find high-impact articles and conference proceedings.
  • Uncover relevant results in related fields.
  • Discover emerging trends that help you pursue successful research and grant acquisition.
  • Identify potential collaborators with significant citation records.
  • Integrate searching, writing, and bibliography creation into one streamlined process.

Why choose Web of Science?

  • Comprehensive and Relevant Coverage: Every journal included in Web of Science has met the high standards of an objective evaluation process that eliminates clutter and excess and delivers data that is accurate, meaningful and timely.
  • Cited Reference Searching: Track prior research and monitor current developments, see who is citing your work, measure the influence of colleagues' work, and follow the path of today's hottest ideas. Navigate forward, backward and through the journals and proceedings literature, searching all disciplines and time spans to discover information with impact.
  • Easy Author Identification: Locate articles written by the same authors in a simple, single search. Find the right author, right away -- eliminating the problems of similar author names or several authors with the same name.
  • Insightful Analysis Options: Find hidden trends and patterns, gain insight into emerging fields of research, and identify leading researchers, institutions, and journals with the Analyze Tool. You can also capture citation activity with Citation Report, instantly creating formatted reports to view vital citation information for individuals or institutions. Citation Maps make it easy to visualize citation connections and discover an article's citation relationships.
  • Wide-ranging proceedings content: Track the influence and impact of individual proceedings papers, conferences as a whole, or the conference series. Detect emerging trends that help you pursue successful research and grant acquisition, and create performance metrics that show the true impact of your work. This capability is especially valuable in fields such as computer science, engineering and the physical sciences, where proceedings can have a huge impact on the total number of citations to an individual's or institution's work.
  • Over 100 Years of Backfile Data: Track a century of vital data and find the supporting - or refuting - data you need. More backfiles give you the power to conduct deeper, more comprehensive searches and track trends through time.
What's Included
  • Cover-to-cover indexing: With Web of Science®, you can access every significant item from a journal, including original research articles, reviews, editorials, chronologies, abstracts, and more.
  • A full range of disciplines: Find information in areas such as agriculture, biological sciences, engineering, medical and life sciences, physical and chemical sciences, anthropology, law, library sciences, architecture, dance, music, film, and theater. Web of Science® offers access to six comprehensive citation databases:
    • Science Citation Index Expanded®: Over 7,100 major journals across 150 disciplines, to 1900.
    • Social Sciences Citation Index®: Over 2,100 journals across 50 social science disciplines, as well as 3,500 of the world's leading scientific and technical journals, to 1956.
    • Arts & Humanities Citation Index®: Over 1,200 arts and humanities journals, as well as selected items from over 6,000 scientific and social sciences journals.
    • Conference Proceedings Citation Index: Over 110,000 journals and book-based proceedings in two editions: Science and Social Science and Humanities, across 256 disciplines.
    • Index Chemicus®: Over 2.6 million compounds, to 1993.
    • Current Chemical Reactions®: Over one million reactions, to 1986, plus INPI archives from 1840 to 1985.
  • Integrated bibliography management: Use EndNote Web®, fully integrated and freely available to any Web of Science user, to easily access and organize your references online. Send references to EndNote Web® as you search, share EndNote Web® folders with others, store references online between search sessions.
  • Related Records®: Enhance the power of cited reference searching by searching across disciplines for all the articles that have cited references in common.
  • Times Cited: Discover a paper's influence by linking to all the papers that have cited it.
  • Full-text links: Directly access publishers' full-text articles.
  • Alerting and RSS feeds: Keep up to date with the information that matters to you by saving general, cited reference and chemical structure searches as email alerts. Or set up RSS feeds for saved searches and Citation Alerts.
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