i i ti!, i@l, - i a . i '@ iii I ., .... 6 * ew Cycle 10/72 Revi RM OOOAD RMPS STAFF BRIEFING DOCLW@N'F 910 APPLICATIOIN TITIE: Southeastern RMP Inter-Recrional Program APPLICANT: DIRECTOR OF PROJECT: Medical Association of Georgia Barrow, Gordon J., M.D. FUNDING STED: (1/l/73-12/31/7S) Direct Indirect Total oi: $49,204 $4,610 $53,814 02: Sl,002- 4,864 5S,866 03: 52,900 5,131 58,031 s Y: e Southeastern Coordinators met during the-latter part of 1968 to discuss the feasibility of hiring someone to encourage information sharin between and among their regions. In April of 1969, th ' finalized 9 ey their discussions by formally agreeing to share proportionately in the support of an interregional person who was responsible for information sharing among the participating regions. Since that time, the Southeastern Coordinators have'.had 3 1/2 years experience with the interregional program and have deemed it to be worthwhile and beneficial. @Thi@ application, which represents a consensus on the part of all coordinators, provides support for an Inter-Reuional Coordinator whose basic responsibility would be to promote and encourage inter- regional cooperation among the fourteen Southeastern regional medical programs and also, will provide the salary of a part-time secretary (50%). Other items, such as domestic travel, employee benefits, supplies etc. have been included. The elements that-constitute the basis for support of this program have been enumerated upon in the application. Briefly, they are as follows: (1) the need on the part of the regions to have information from other regions on what is working and what is not; (2) the need to have beneficial information from-other regions concerning structural and programmatic matters; (3) the need for planning activities that may be more conducive on an interregion.al/multiregional scale rather than on a single.regional basis. Page 2 Based on, ast experiences and what is el'IV@isiIoned for the future, there p 'll be three basic approaches utilized in facilitating the exchange wi of information to the region. First, the Inter-Regional Coordinator will visit each region to.familiarize himself witli.all'aspects of the regio-nls operation in order to act as the resource person for all regions by knotting what kinds of approaches have been Attempted for similar problems. Secondly, he will be expected to prepare written reports on all aspects of the participating regions' operation. Thirdly, counterpart meetings are to be planned tcr bring together staff members and/or volunteers for the purpose of sharing experiences and information. As proposed, the Intet-Regional Coordinator will be employed by the edical Association of Georgia upon recommendation by a majo 'ty of m ri the Southeastern Coordinators and housed at the Georgia @ offices. For all interregional programmatic activities, he will be responsible to the Chairman of the Southeastern Coordinators and a&ninistratively responsible to the grantee organization 'the Medicdl Association of Georgia, through the Director of Georgia RNP. A copy of the job description is attached. The objectives, asistated in the application, are as fOllO'AS: 1) To provide support for a mechanism to facilitate information exchange among the 14 Southeastern RMPS. 2) Assist in the planning, development and implementation of programs which affect two or more @fflls within the Southeastern Region. 3) Provide coordination for any cooperative activities that emerge. DC)D/SCOB 10/12/72 RMPS Page 3 COORDINt',TOR OF INTER-R@IGNAL PROGRAMS SOUTHEASTERN RBGIONAL MEbICiU PROGRAMS Job Description Primarily responsible for facilitating the exchange of information between and among Regional Medical Programs in the Southeastern United States. Respons7j-@-le for assisting in the planning,,development, ahd-implemen@@ ion.of programs affecting two or more RMPs.in the Southeastern United States. liorks with the Chairman of the- Southeastern @IP Coordinatbrs in planning agendas and preparing the summaries of all meetings of the Southeastern Coordinators. Also makes recommendations to the Southeast-c@rn Coordinators concerning future "counterpart" meetings and actions arising from them.' Must become knowledgeable about all aspects and components of each Progr4m's organization and core staff as well as past, current, and future planning and'operational activities so a comparative analysis can be made of the Program progress and individual Program elements. Shoula be available to consult with each Program Diredtor and appropriate members of his staff as often as necessary to discuss ways and means of developing more effective communication of ertinent news, information, and data within the various p Regions as well as between Regional Medical Programs in the Southeast. Must be ab-le to consult with fourteen Southeastern RMP Coordinators and their key staff members and volunteers concerning ways in which individual RMPs may benefit from past experiences of other PmPs. Should be able to think and write succinctly and logically so matters of@in-terest to the Southeastern Coordinators can be brought to their.attentiol. Should Dossess experience in dealing with the type of people who are at the highest level in each P,24P organizational structure, as well as have the initiative and imagination to develop new types of interregional programs that would be beneficial to the regions. Althoug@.--a,specific type of educational and job experience is not required.,'this position requires a person who does have substantial experience in health affairs with proficiency in administration. writingi government operations-and procedures, and an understanding of national and local. health relationships.