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Subject: NUG Chair and Vice Chair elected
Author: Horst Simon <>
Date: 2005-04-27 12:29:38
Dear NERSC users, NERSC is pleased to announce that David Dean, a Nuclear Physics scientist from Oak Ridge National Lab, has been elected Chair of the NERSC Users Group, and Stephane Ethier, a Fusion Energy scientist from the Princeton Plasma Physics Lab, has been elected Vice Chair. Both are long term users of NERSC with an excellent understanding of the issues facing NERSC users. David Dean extends his welcome to you, below. I too warmly welcome David and Stephane in their new roles as NUG leaders, and I am looking forward to work with them for the benefit of all NERSC users in the future. At the same time I also would like to acknowledge the long service and consistent support of the outgoing chair and vice-chair Rob Ryne (LBNL) and Doug Rotman (LLNL). I want to thank Rob and Doug for always being available to help and support NERSC and being excellent representatives of the user community. Sincerely, Horst Simon ***** welcome from David Dean, NUG Chair ***** I am honored to work over the next three years as the new chair of the NERSC Users Group. Stephane Ethier, the newly elected vice-chair,and I will work to ensure the continued excellence of NERSC computing for the various scientific and computational endeavors of the Office of Science. During the next years, NERSC will likely see an upgraded computational capability. Our main challenges in the coming years will be to work with NERSC staff to ensure a smooth transition to the next major platform at NERSC, to ensure that NERSC continues its key role in providing an excellent national resource for scientific computing, and to ensure that the users community is well represented by the executive committee. We are looking forward to the task. We also want to thank the outgoing chair, Rob Ryne, and vice-chair, Doug Rotman for their efforts during the last three years. David J. Dean Phone : 865-576-5229 Oak Ridge National Laboratory Cell : 865-567-2484 Physics Division Fax : 865-576-8746 P.O. Box 2008 Sec : 865-574-4576 Bldg. 6025, M.S. 6373 e-mail: Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6373

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