Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin Launches Spanish Language Savings Bond Public Service Advertising Campaign


September 18, 1996

Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin launched a Spanish language public service advertising campaign to encourage regular savings and increase awareness of the savings bond program.

Secretary Rubin unveiled the new public service campaign at a Capitol Hill press conference co-sponsored by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. Presenting the new television, radio, and print announcements to the public, Rubin said, “This month is Hispanic Heritage Month -- so as we reflect this month on the great contributions of Hispanics to our society, it seems an especially appropriate time to renew efforts to prepare for the future by raising awareness about savings bonds among a dynamic, young, and growing segment of our population. Savings bonds have helped make the American dream a reality for millions of families. They helped countless parents pay for education -- the sure path to a better life for themselves and their children.”

The PSA campaign features three Spanish language 30-second TV spots, closed captioned in both English and Spanish, highlighting saving for education and the safety of bonds as an investment. HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros taped a special message in both Spanish and English stressing the importance of saving for the future as part of realizing the American dream.

The radio spots feature popular actor Edward James Olmos, who recorded the spots to help bring the savings message home to the Hispanic community. A variety of print PSAs for newspapers and magazines were also released today.

The campaign was created by the Bureau of the Public Debt's Savings Bond Marketing Office as part of a broader outreach program. Savings bond investor information materials will be available in both Spanish and English.

The television spots released today are being delivered to Spanish language media outlets in person by savings bond marketing representatives to underscore the Treasury's commitment to reaching out to our Nation's Hispanic community.