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Contact Us:

NASA Glenn Research Center
Technology Transfer & Partnership Office
21000 Brookpark Road
Cleveland, OH 44135
Phone: (216) 433-3484
› E-mail

›  : (216) 433-2775

Partnership Opportunities

›  : (216) 433-8063
›  : (216) 433-3516
›  : (216) 433-2485

›  : (216) 433-6731


›  : (216) 433-8258
›  : (216) 433-2226

Quick Facts

100 R&D100 Awards!
Glenn Research Center won its 100th R&D 100 Award in 2008.
› Read about it!

NASA's Innovative Partnerships Program

Find out more about NASA’s Innovative Partnerships Program.
› Visit NASA's IPP Office Web site

NASA Spinoffs

Read about the numerous commercial products that have utilized NASA technology, know-how, or facilities.
› Visit NASA IPP Spinoff (link opens new browser window)

The Technology Transfer and Partnerships Office

Accomplishments Report

2007 Accomplishments Report Details of GRC activities throughout 2007.

› Read More


Cellular Reflectarray Antenna OTIS 4 Trajectory Optimization Program

Simplified version improves accuracy and robustness
› Read More

 What We Offer
 Technologies Available for Licensing
› Find technologies by category

How to License Technologies
› Learn about the licensing process

 Partnering Opportunities
› Learn about the many partnering opportunities at GRC

How to Partner with GRC
› Learn about the partnering process

Available Software (link opens new browser window)
› Search our software catalog

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)
› Find opportunities to participate in government-sponsored research and development
Available Facilities (link opens new browser window)
› Visit our Facilities Web site to see facilities available for use

Additional Information
› Select a technology category and find articles, related resources, success stories, and awards

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  • Page Last Updated: February 24, 2009
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