Collection Citation

 Collection TitleChemical Science and Engineering Posters from Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) 
 Collection SponsorUSDOE 
 Other Related OrganizationsArgonne National Laboratory (ANL) 
 Main Content TypeScientific images 
 KeywordsBattery Technology; Fuel Cell Technology; Nuclear Technology; Process Chemistry and Engineering; Fundamental interactions; Catalysis and energy conversion; Electrochemical energy storage; Nuclear and Environmental Processes; National Security 
 DescriptionThe Chemical Sciences and Engineering (CSE) Division is one of the largest divisions at Argonne National Laboratory. CSE is a science-based research, development, and early-stage engineering organization that conducts both fundamental and applied research using experimental, theoretical, and computational approaches. CSE is multidisciplinary. Its people have formal training in chemistry; physics; materials science; and electrical, mechanical, chemical, and nuclear engineering. They are specialists in catalysis, electrochemical systems, nuclear fuel cycle, combustion chemistry, and time resolved, multi-scale and ultra-fast chemistry.

the work of the CSE Division is focused around five theme areas:

  • Fundamental Interactions – programs in atomic, molecular and optical physics; chemical dynamics in the gas phase, and photosynthesis
  • Catalysis and Energy Conversion – programs in heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis, hydrogen production and storage, and fuel cell materials development and systems analysis
  • Electrochemical Energy Storage – programs in advanced cell chemistry and materials development of lithium-ion batteries for transportation and other applications and independent battery testing
  • Nuclear and Environmental Processes – programs in heavy element chemistry, separation science, nuclear fuel separations, repository performance, and radioactive waste management
  • National Security – programs in forensics and attribution of radiological dispersal devices, radiological decontamination technologies, sensors/detectors, and analytical chemistry
    • This collection of 43 scientific posters provides a visual look into these theme areas. Be aware that the CSE website has undergone an update and these posters are part of the older web. Check the new CSE homepage at for the latest information about the Division’s work.
