Collection Citation

 Collection TitleCarbon Sequestration Atlas and Interactive Maps from the Southwest Regional Partnership on Carbon Sequestration 
 Collection Creator/PISWP Partnership; Brian McPherson (PI) 
 Collection SponsorUSDOE - Office of Fossil Energy (FE) 
 Other SponsorsNational Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) 
 Other Related OrganizationsEnergy and Geoscience Institute, University of Utah; Texas A&M University; Utah Automated Geographic Reference Center 
 Main Content TypeInteractive data maps 
 Subject Categories54 - ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 
 KeywordsCarbon sequestration; Terrestrial; Geologic; C)2 sources and sinks; Atlas; Southwest 
 DescriptionIn November of 2002 DOE announced a global climate change initiative involving “joint government-industry partnerships working together to find sensible, low cost solutions” for reducing GHG emissions. As a result, seven regional partnerships were formed; the Southwest Regional Partnership on Carbon Sequestration (SWP) is one of those. These groups are utilizing their expertise to assess sequestration technologies to capture carbon emissions, identify and evaluate appropriate storage locations, and engage a variety of stakeholders in order to increase awareness of carbon sequestration. Stakeholders in this project are made up of private industry, NGOs, the general public, and government entities. There are a total of 44 current organizations represented in the partnership including electric utilities, oil and gas companies, state governments, universities, NGOs, and tribal nations. The SWP is coordinated by New Mexico Tech and encompasses New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Oklahoma, Utah, and portions of Kansas, Nevada, Texas, and Wyoming. Field test sites for the region are located in New Mexico (San Juan Basin), Utah (Paradox Basin), and Texas (Permian Basin).[Taken from the SWP C02 Sequestration Atlas]

The SWP makes available at this website their CO2 Sequestration Atlas and an interactive data map.
