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Energy Quest is the award-winning energy education website of the California Energy Commission. It debuted on the World Wide Web on October 1, 1995, to celebrate October as National Energy Awareness Month! Our newly updated version (EQ v. 2.0) debuted Memorial Day, May 27, 2002.

Energy is an integral part of our daily lives. Without energy our society would decay into pre-historic savagery. Teaching an "energy ethic" to conserve finite resources is essential to our energy future, which is currently dependent on fossil fuels. We also must rely on our youth to help us create new ways to harness the elemental forces of our planet and the universe. They are tomorrow's scientists and inventors. They will discover new means of energy production and innovative ways to use less energy. We hope Energy Quest will answer their questions and spur creativity and imagination.

Albert Einstein once said:

"Imagination is more important than knowledge for knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world - stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."

Information on our site was developed and maintained by the Media & Public Communications Office of the Commission in consultation with Commission staff and educational experts. We appreciate comments, constructive critcism, and corrections.

Energy Quest is dedicated to the memory of former Energy Commission Chairman Charles R. "Chuck" Imbrecht, whose vision of a secure energy future and desire to educate the public lives on in this site.

Credits and Acknowledgements

State of California
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor

California Energy Commission
Karen Douglas, Chair
James D. Boyd, Vice Chair
Arthur H. Rosenfeld
Jeffrey D. Byron
Julia Levin

Melissa Jones
Executive Director

Created and Maintained by
Web Development Team
Media & Public Communications Office

Susanne Garfield
Assistant Executive Director

Bob Aldrich
Webmaster & Supervisor Web Development

Tracy Fong, Carol Greenwood, Nancy Hassman, Kevin Kidd, Farideh Namjou
Web Development Team

Zeb Bakken, Olena Bilyk, Max Hennum
Student Assistants

Nancy Hassman, Farideh Namjou, Michael Wilson

Chris Graillat
Energy Education Coordinator

With Assistance From:

Adam Gottlieb, Lana McAllister,
Amy Morgan, Rob Schlichting

Help on Previous Versions of EQ:
Eric Bautista, David Benning, William Bennett, Patti Berg, Steve Bonta, Cristian Borlovan, Connie Bruins, Chris Burgess, Ramkumar Chandrasekharan, Marilyn Chenault, Rebecca Connell, Mary Ann Costamagna, Chris Davis, Percy Della, Jon Doidge, Mark DiGiovanna, Fidel Encarnacion, Tino Flores, Sue Foster, Jackie Goodwin, Janet Gregory, Karen Hamilton, Andrew Hartman, Sharon Howell, Suzanne Jarrett, Suvrat Joshi, Robin Kreczkowski, Aditya Kulkarni, Darrell Leu, Choi Lu, Betty McCann, Samantha Mickelson, Elizabeth Parkhurst, Gabriela Peña, George Sholin, Cathy Small, Julie Rogers-Talbert, Derek Tran, Karen Van Egdon, James Waller, Chris Wardall

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Page Updated: March 18, 2009
2006-2009 California Energy Commission. All rights reserved.