
GEC (search)

Geospace Electrodynamic Connections

GEO (search)

Geostationary orbit

GEOSS (search)

Global Earth Observation System of Systems

GIS (search)

geographic information systems

GLAST (search)

Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope

GN (search)

Ground Network

GNSS (search)

Global Navigation Satellite Systems

  • Global Navigation Satellite Systems (search)
GPM (search)

Global Precipitation Measurement

GPS (search)

global positioning system

GRACE (search)

Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment

  • Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (search)
GSRP (search)

Graduate Student Researchers Program

Geoid (search)
The surface within or around the earth that is everywhere perpendicular to the direction of gravity and coincides with mean sea level in the oceans at rest. Sea level of a moving ocean has topography, the topography that is measured by altimeter satellites to observe ocean currents.

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Gyre (search)
A great, circular motion of water in each of the major ocean basins centered on subtropical high-pressure region, with circulation clockwise in the northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the southern hemisphere.

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galactic (search)
Having to do with the galaxy. A galaxy is one of billions of large systems of stars and gas, held together by gravity, that make up the universe.

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gamma rays (search)
A high energy photon, especially as emitted by a nucleus in a transition between two energy levels.

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geospace (search)
The area of space surrounding the Earth but outside of the Earth's atmosphere - influenced by the particles and fields coming from the Sun.

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geostationary (search)
Describes an orbit in which a satellite is always in the same position (appears stationary) with respect to the rotating Earth.

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