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Response Matrices

Important Information For Anyone Using These Files

As the IXO mission is still under development, the exact specifications of the IXO mirrors and detectors are subject to change at any time.

  • This page will list both the current best files along with all previous versions, to facilitate comparisons.
  • In some cases, multiple files will be given for the same topic, indicating a study is underway comparing the different designs. Please do all simulations using as many different cases as practical.
  • All of the files on this page follow a fixed format, and contain the date of their creation.
  • Whenever you generate a simulation using one of these responses, make sure any results clearly indicate which responses were used.

When downloading files, please 'shift-click' rather than simply 'clicking' on the file links.

Calorimeter response matrices

Calorimeter Core (glass): ixo_ucal_0p5_081030.rsp

Current Version: October 30, 2008

Constant Gaussian response with FWHM=2.5 eV with 0.5 eV bin channels. The calorimeter core array of 40 × 40 pixels maintains a 2.5 eV resolution (FWHM) at all energies. The default response matrix uses bins 0.5 eV wide, which may not be ideal for all projects. If higher resolution is needed, the file ixo_ucal_0p2_081030.rsp uses 0.2 eV bins and should allow the best possible calculation of line centroids. Conversely, if resolution is less important and the 0.5 eV bin file is too big or slow, a much smaller file ixo_ucal_5p0_081030.rsp is available that uses 5 eV bins.

Calorimeter Core (Pore): IXO_CDF_tes_none_081117.rsp

Current Version: November 17, 2008

Matrix is from Tim Oosterbroek; This was generated assuming a Carbon-overcoating and the loss in effective area due to the grating has been modeled and taken into account.

Calorimeter Outer (glass): ixo_ucal_outer_081105.rsp

Current Version: November 5, 2008

Constant Gaussian response with FWHM=10 eV with 1 eV bin channels. The outer calorimeter array uses larger pixels which use 4 separate absorbers for each transition-edge sensor (TES) pickup. This arrangement allows a larger FOV, but with a larger 10 eV resolution (FWHM) at all energies.

Wide-Field Imager response matrices

WFI: ixo_mdl_wfi_default_081030.rsp

Current Version: October 30, 2008

Sample matrix using Glass optics FMA effective area; from Tim Oosterbroek. The WFI is a DEPFET-type detector, with the significant advantage over earlier CCD-type detectors in that the charge in each pixel is read directly, rather than being transferred from row to row and read out. However, the overall resolution is still limited by the statistics of electron counting to be on order 100 eV.

WFI (pore): IXO_CDF_wfi_default.rsp

Current Version: December 10, 2008

WFI response using Pore optics with an Iridium (+ Carbon overcoat) coating; from Tim Oosterbroek. The WFI is a DEPFET-type detector, with the significant advantage over earlier CCD-type detectors in that the charge in each pixel is read directly, rather than being transferred from row to row and read out. However, the overall resolution is still limited by the statistics of electron counting to be on order 100 eV.

WFI (pore with multi-layer): IXO_CDF_hard_wfi_default.rsp

Current Version: December 10, 2008

WFI response using multi-layer coating(r < 47cm) from Japanese group that increases hard X-ray response, primarily in the 10-15 keV region; from Tim Oosterbroek. The WFI is a DEPFET-type detector, with the significant advantage over earlier CCD-type detectors in that the charge in each pixel is read directly, rather than being transferred from row to row and read out. However, the overall resolution is still limited by the statistics of electron counting to be on order 100 eV.

Hard X-ray Imager response matrices

Hard X-ray Imager (Con-X-type): conx-hxt-080215.rsp

Current Version: February 15, 2008

A placeholder matrix with the same area as presented by Paul Gorenstein at the Dec 2006 Con-X FST meeting for a dual HXT option, and a "NuStar"-type CZT energy resolution. The exact specifications of the HXT mirror is still in flux. The matrix given here is from the original Constellation-X design, and overestimates the current effective area by a factor of 1.67.

Hard X-ray Imager (pore): IXO_CDF_hard_cdte_none_081117.rsp

Current Version: November 17, 2008

Hard X-ray response using multi-layer coating (r < 47 cm) on the pore optics FMA.

X-ray Grating Spectrometer response matrices

XGS (requirement): xgs_081216.rsp

Current version: December 16, 2008

This matrix is unphysical but effectively describes the minimum requirements (effective area of 0.1 m2, R=3000) for the IXO gratings. The energy range covers 0.3-1.0 keV.

X-ray Polarimeter response matrices

X-ray Polarimeter (glass): ixo_mdl_xpol_default_081030.rsp

Current Version: October 30, 2008

X-ray Polarimeter matrix using Glass optics FMA effective area; from Tim Oosterbroek.

X-ray Polarimeter (pore): IXO_CDF_xpol_default_081117.rsp

Current Version: November 17, 2008

X-ray Polarimeter matrix using Pore optics FMA effective area assuming a Carbon-overcoating and the loss in effective area due to the grating has been modeled and taken into account; from Tim Oosterbroek.

High Timing Resolution Spectrometer response matrices

HTRS (glass): ixo_mdl_htrs_default_081030.rsp

Current Version: October 30, 2008

Sample matrix using Glass optics FMA effective area; from Tim Oosterbroek. The HTRS is a non-imaging silicon detector capable of detecting extremely high count rates – up to 1 Million counts/s.

HTRS (pore): IXO_CDF_htrs_default_081117.rsp

Current Version: November 17, 2008

From Tim Oosterbroek; This was generated assuming a Carbon-overcoating and the loss in effective area due to the grating has been modeled and taken into account. The HTRS is a non-imaging silicon detector capable of detecting extremely high count rates – up to 1 Million counts/s.