Reference Linking at the DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information

The usefulness of electronic R&D reports, such as those presented through the DOE Information Bridge, is much enhanced if report references are accessible via hyperlinks. With Reference Linking, a reader can simply click on the hyperlink of a reference at the end of a report, and the referenced material will appear on the computer screen.

Below are presented two versions of two reports. The versions differ in that one version offers Reference Linking and the other does not. Call up each version and scroll to the end of the report to see the enhancement offered by Reference Linking.


Behavior of technetium in alkaline solution: Identification of non-pertechnetate species in high-level nuclear waste tanks at the Hanford reservation With Reference Links                                        Without Reference Links  


Identifier Number:  LBNL 53738 - Creator/Author:  Lukens Jr., Wayne W.; et al.


Spin Polarized Electron Probes and Magnetic Nanostructures With Reference Links                                      Without Reference Links 


Identifier Number:  816290 - Creator/Author:  Mills, D.L.

Often, when a DOE R&D report is written, hyperlinks to references are not offered. However, authors notified by the DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) that their report has been added to the Information Bridge, may request Reference Linking to the report. In response to such a request, OSTI will add hyperlinks, where available, to the references and return the hyperlink-enhanced report to the author for his/her review. The author can then submit the hyperlink-enhanced report through normal channels, following internal site procedures, so that it replaces the original report.

In some cases, readers may not have access rights to hyperlinked referenced material. For example, a hyperlink to an article in a scientific journal may not be live if the reader or his/her institution does not have access rights arranged with the publisher of that journal. Arranging access rights with publishers is the responsibility of readers or their institutions, and is beyond the control of DOE.