Food and Drug Administration, Dockets Management Branch, 5630 Fishers Lane - Room 1061- HFA-305, Rockville, MD, 20852; 301-827-6860; Fax 301-827-6870  [E-mail] 

DOCKETS ENTERED on November 18, 1999

Table of Contents

(Hyper links are part of the Docket  title - not all dockets/documents are linked)


92N-0139 Statement Policy: Foods Derived from New Plant Varieties *
93N-0195 Safe Processing & Importing of Fish & Fishery Products *
97N-0314 Prescription Drug Products; Levothyroxine Sodium *
98N-1038 Irradiation in the production, processing, &handling of food *
98P-0203 Eliminate Forced Molting of Laying Birds *
99D-0529 Draft Guidance for Ind - Changes to an Approved NDA or ANDA *
99D-2405 Information Request and Discipline Review Letter *
99P-0485 Rescind Approval of Subtherapeutic Antibiotic Use Livestock *
99P-4648 Grated Parmesan Cheese Deviating from Identity Standards *
99V-5014 Laser Light Show *
99V-5015 *
92N-0139 Statement Policy: Foods Derived from New Plant Varieties

C 6274 Suzanne Morris (113 signatures) Vol#: 160

93N-0195 Safe Processing & Importing of Fish & Fishery Products

LET 3 Government of Tanzania - Commonwealth Se Vol#: 25

97N-0314 Prescription Drug Products; Levothyroxine Sodium

SUP 4 Knoll Pharmaceutical Co. Vol#: 7

98H-1202 Civil Money Penalties; Lake Sammamish Mini Mart Inc & Bruce

CS 2 HFA-305 Vol#: 1

OR 2 HF-3 Vol#: 1

98N-1038 Irradiation in the production, processing, &handling of food

C 4782 Suzanne Morris (113 signatures) Vol#: 138

98P-0203 Eliminate Forced Molting of Laying Birds

C 1904 Shirley Fredwick Vol#: 46

C 1905 Betty Arehart Vol#: 46

C 1906 Mary A High Vol#: 46

C 1907 Charlotte Marchese Vol#: 46

C 1908 Trudy Insel Vol#: 46

C 1909 Attica Oualla Vol#: 46

C 1910 Kris Mitchell Vol#: 46

C 1911 Danna Fortunato Vol#: 46

C 1912 Soelle Lilley Vol#: 46

99D-0529 Draft Guidance for Ind - Changes to an Approved NDA or ANDA

C 40 DSM Anti-Infectives (The Netherlands) Vol#: 3

99D-2405 Information Request and Discipline Review Letter

C 1 PhRMA Vol#: 1

99H-4434 Civil Money Penalty;Sam Zeer,dba Shop 'N Save

ANS 1 Sam Zeer Shop-N-Save Vol#: 1

99N-4282 Biotechnology in the Year 2000 and Beyond; Public Meetings

C 6 Ellen Warner Vol#: 6

C 7 Dan Farrey Vol#: 6

C 8 Wendy Hamilton Vol#: 6

C 9 Melissa J Butler Vol#: 6

C 10 Marian Wisnev Vol#: 6

C 11 Hewin International Vol#: 6

C 12 Judy S Ponder Vol#: 6

C 13 Elaine Lippman Vol#: 6

C 14 Rose Marie Williams & 3 signatures Vol#: 6

C 15 Christine Eubank Vol#: 6

C 16 Kristen Hivey Vol#: 6

C 17 Alex & Kristine Boshell Vol#: 6

C 18 Susan C Page Vol#: 6

C 19 Brian Bosworth Vol#: 6

C 20 Pattrice Le-Muire Jones Vol#: 6

C 21 Harrington Investment Inc Vol#: 6

C 22 Andrew Edlin Vol#: 6

C 23 Shapiro Family Vol#: 6

C 24 Alison Hanurit Vol#: 6

C 25 Grace Brockway Vol#: 6

C 26 Stephanie Fowle Vol#: 6

C 27 Kenneth Sever & Kathy Burdett Vol#: 6

C 28 Jim Cummings Vol#: 6

C 29 US Public Interest Research Group Vol#: 6

C 30 Form letter count 15 Vol#: 11

EMC 313 Simone Souza Vol#: 6

EMC 314 Theresa Hogerheide Vol#: 6

EMC 315 Colleen Blacklock Vol#: 6

EMC 316 Daniel Blacklock Vol#: 6

EMC 317 Sarah Skrainka Vol#: 6

EMC 318 Marga Plat Vol#: 6

EMC 319 Lynne M Breitenstein-Alibert Vol#: 6

EMC 320 Tanya Naumann Vol#: 6

EMC 321 Jim Eldon Vol#: 6

EMC 322 Don Keeler Vol#: 6

EMC 323 Rebecca Thistlethwaite Vol#: 6

EMC 324 Anna Harlowe Vol#: 6

EMC 325 Justin Novak Vol#: 6

EMC 326 Benjamin Schlau Vol#: 6

EMC 327 Organic Consumers Association Vol#: 6

EMC 328 Suzanne J Sherwood Vol#: 6

EMC 329 Frank Romero Vol#: 6

EMC 330 John Sparks Vol#: 6

EMC 331 Neal Harris Vol#: 6

EMC 332 Kimberly E Simpson Vol#: 6

EMC 333 Taylor R Felker Vol#: 6

EMC 334 Courtney Bolin Vol#: 6

EMC 335 Brett Skelton Vol#: 6

EMC 336 Jane Rudall PhD Vol#: 6

EMC 337 Beate Nilsen Vol#: 6

EMC 338 Raymond D Kilgore Vol#: 6

EMC 339 Edward R Joaquin Sr Vol#: 6

EMC 340 Charlotte Arnold Vol#: 6

EMC 341 Gladys Shirley Vol#: 6

EMC 342 Susan Ellis Vol#: 6

EMC 343 Ed Roberts Vol#: 6

EMC 344 Gordon Hutchinson Vol#: 6

EMC 345 Lynn Hewitt Towle Vol#: 6

EMC 346 Gordon Hutchinson Vol#: 6

EMC 347 Evelyn Bergaila Vol#: 6

EMC 348 Bill Kuntz Vol#: 6

EMC 349 Organic Consumers Assocation Vol#: 6

EMC 350 Jennifer G Martin Vol#: 6

EMC 351 Mona Yardumian Vol#: 6

EMC 352 Jon Vol#: 6

EMC 353 Cindy Cole Vol#: 6

99P-0485 Rescind Approval of Subtherapeutic Antibiotic Use Livestock

C 1777 Michelle Liebierman Vol#: 163

C 1778 James Russell Vol#: 163

C 1779 Marilynn Jacobs Vol#: 163

99P-4648 Grated Parmesan Cheese Deviating from Identity Standards

LET 1 Hogan & Hartson L.L.P. Vol#: 1

LET 2 HFS-151 Sartori Food Corp. Vol#: 1

99V-5014 Laser Light Show

ACK 1 HFA-305 Vol#: 1

VAR 1 Muzic in Motion, Inc. Vol#: 1


ACK 1 HFA-305 Vol#: 1

VAR 1 Scratch Pad, The DJ Warehouse Vol#: 1