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Subject: Seaborg Maintenance Next Week
Author: David Turner <>
Date: 2006-11-28 13:41:54
Greetings Seaborg User, Seaborg will be drained next Tuesday, December 5, to allow some hardware and software maintenance on its internal network. The maintenance will begin at 10:00, and should last approximately 2 hours. During this time, users will be able to login and execute serial codes (including submitting batch jobs). However, no batch jobs (this includes interactive parallel jobs) will be allowed to run until after the maintenance is complete. As always during these types of scheduled outages, there should be good turnaround for parallel jobs in the hours immediately before the outage. -- Best regards, David Turner User Services Group email: NERSC Division phone: (510) 486-4027 Lawrence Berkeley Lab fax: (510) 486-4316

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