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Subject: Update: Visualization Software Available on Seaborg
Author: Kenneth Schwartz <>
Date: 2003-05-18 21:26:45
Dear NERSC users, This announcement is actually seven combined announcements, done to reduce email. There are six newly installed programs and one updated program: NEWLY INSTALLED: * IDL, Version 5.6 is now available on Version 5.5 is curently in use on Seaborg as the default. To access the new version use: "module load idl/5.6". Unless problems are found, version 5.6 will become the default on June 2, 2003. The current version, 5.5, will be disabled on June 16, 2003 and deleted soon thereafter. AVS5 avs5 grace garlic rasmol cmake UPDATES express Regards, Kenneth Schwartz -- Kenneth Schwartz Visualization Project Leader National Energy Research Scientific Computing Division One Clyclotron RD MS 50F Bldg 50 Room 1615 University of California Berkeley, CA 94720 Tel 510-486-4851 Fax 510-486-5812 Mobile: 209-612-2790

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