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Subject: new HPSS NIM release today; HPSS restrictions coming in April
Author: Francesca Verdier <>
Date: 2003-03-24 17:01:36
Dear NERSC Users, At about 4:00 PM today we released a new version of the NERSC Information Management (NIM) system that more tightly integrates HPSS Storage Resource Unit (SRU) accounting into NIM. In about a month (late April) NERSC will start to restrict HPSS users who have a negative SRU balance. HPSS restricted login names are able to read data from HPSS but cannot write any data to HPSS. We will notify you of the exact date by mid April. The major new HPSS/SRU features in NIM with this release are: 1. SRUs are calculated in a new way (resulting in lower charges). 2. Users can use Project Percents to manage their SRU charges. 3. HPSS Allowed and Used Percents and SRU user balances are now displayed. 4. Project Managers can set Allowed Percents (user quotas) for the users in their HPSS repos. 5. New usage reports are available. Please see the following: NERSC Storage Resource Units An Overview of this NIM release -- Francesca Verdier email: Group Lead, NERSC User Services phone: 510-486-7193

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