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Subject: HDF5 1.4.0 installed
Author: Harsh Anand <>
Date: 2001-06-05 17:05:50
Dear NERSC users, HDF5 1.4.0 is now available for testing on Cray T3E, Cray PVP cluster, and the Visualization Server. This release fixes a number of bugs and is the first release of the HDF5 Library with fully integrated F90 API support for the Crays. For more details, see the HDF5 1.4.0 Release Notes: On Mcurie and Escher, both "serial" and "parallel" HDF5 versions are available. The PVP cluster supports only the "serial" version. The serial version can be accessed by using the command: module load hdf5/1.4.0 and the HDF5 parallel version can be accessed by using the command: module load hdf5_par/1.4.0 Unless problems are found, this version will become the default on June 26, 2001. The current version, 1.2.1, will be disabled on July 17, 2001 and deleted soon thereafter. Regards, Harsh Anand User Services Group email: NERSC Division phone: (510) 486-5575 Berkeley Lab fax: (510) 486-7520

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