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EUD's Graviational Wave Astrophysics Lab

Gravitational Astrophysics Research

Gravitational Astrophysics Lab staff are involved in many research areas, including:

Binary black hole (BBH) mergers are among the strongest and most spectacular sources of gravitational waves for LISA and ground-based detectors such as LIGO. We develop 3-dimenensional numerical simulations of Einstein's gravitational field equations to model strong field binary black hole merger interactions and to calculate the resulting gravitational waveforms.

LISA cartoon The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) mission will detect gravitational waves in the frequency band between 10-4 and 1 Hz. This band is expected to contain signals from diverse astrophysical sources throughout the Universe, such as merging supermassive black holes, hierarchical mergers of intermediate mass black holes leading up to supermassive black holes, compact stellar objects spiraling into supermassive black holes in galactic nuclei, thousands of close binaries of compact objects in the Milky Way and possibly backgrounds of cosmological origin. This unprecedented view of the Universe will reveal fundamental phenomena not easily observed by any other means.

gravitational wave model 3-D plot EUD scientists are modeling the nonlinear merger phase of massive black hole coalescence using large scale computer codes that solve the Einstein equations of general relativity. These codes calculate the gravitational wave signatures of black hole mergers that are essential for LISA source identification and data analysis. Since the gravitational waveforms and binary dynamics scale with the masses and spins of the black holes, these results apply to supermassive black hole coalescences from galaxy mergers as well as intermediate mass "seed" black holes from hierarchical structure formation. They also apply to stellar black hole coalescences that are important for the ground-based detectors such as LIGO, VIRGO, and GEO.

GSFC has been designated as the lead center for NASA's role in the LISA mission. LISA is a joint ESA-NASA project to construct the first space-based gravitational wave detector. Goddard scientists and engineers are engaged in the formulation of the mission with their co-workers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and ESA and the broader research community in the U.S. and Europe. At GSFC, LISA personnel are working on engineering studies, integrated modeling and technology development. The GSFC work on technology development, which is largely centered at LHEA, focusses on materials stability, optical metrology, laser stabilization and micronewton thruster testing. GSFC also hosts the AstroGravS archive of gravitational wave sources, containing literature links and a catalog of waveforms.

plot showing optical depth as a function of redshift and gamma-ray energy At the right are recent results from calcuations of the optical depth of the universe to high energy gamma-rays as a function of both redshift and gamma-ray energy. These results will be used in interpreting GLAST data and to test special relativity at high energies and to test some quantum gravity models and extra dimension models. Credit: Floyd Stecker, click to enlarge image.

EUD scientists are modeling high-energy astrophysics sources that produce cosmic rays, gamma rays, and x-rays. Much of the recent effort has been on gamma ray bursts, active galactic nuclei, pulsars and jets, with results relevant to a variety of high-energy missions, including Swift, HETE, GLAST, XMM, and Chandra. View a PowerPoint slide about this topic.

Laboratory work at the Gravitational Astrophysics Lab centers on the development of precision laser interferometry in support of the LISA mission, as well as other EUD missions including TPF-C and MAXIM. The technology involves: laser stabilization, where the frequency variations of a laser are attenuated by comparing it to an ultra-quiet frequency reference; laser metrology, where methods are being developed to measure and control variations in detectors and telescopes smaller than the size of an atom; and space qualification issues related to the laser stabilization and metrology technologies.