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This virtual tour will allow you to navigate through the National Portrait Gallery's, Hall of Presidents. As you "walk" through the spaces you may select specific portraits for more information and larger images. Portraits can also be selected from the chronological list featured on the right side of the screen.

*  An 800 x 600 screen resolution is strongly recommended.
*  Apple Quicktime VR is required to view this panoramic tour.

 Begin the virtual tour

This online exhibition does not require a plug-in. It offers a static view of each presidential portrait. Individual portraits can be selected for larger views, and more information. A frames-enabled browser is required and an 800 x 600 pixel screen resolutions is recommended.

 Begin the standard tour

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Portraits of the Presidents--bookPortraits of the Presidents
from the National Portrait Gallery

Read a synopsis of the catalog that accompanied a traveling exhibition of presidential portraiture. The publication is available through the publisher and selected Smithsonian Institution shops.
 Exhibition catalog

The online database of the Catalog of American Portraits contains information for over 100,000 portraits recorded nationwide. The collections of the National Portrait Gallery can also be searched online.

Go to Portrait Search

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