Paul D. Boyer, Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), and the
Binding Change Mechanism

Paul D. Boyer
Courtesy of UCLA

· Resources with Additional Information

'For Paul Boyer, the Nobel Prize was "an unexpected pleasure." It had been 20 years since he formulated a hypothesis to describe what he calls "the most prominent chemical reaction in the whole world." It is the process by which molecules produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate), thereby transmuting light, air, water and food into the energy required for both plant and animal life.

Boyer had been greeted with disbelief when he theorized that the previously mysterious process is the work of a "beautiful little machine" that operates within enzymes on the molecular level.  ...

Boyer experienced "one of the warmest moments of my life" when he learned that British biochemist John Walker had worked out the methodology required to demonstrate whether Boyer had been right or wrong. ...  Using Walker's methodology, one of Boyer's former graduate students "did some elegant chemical work to demonstrate that the molecular rotation actually occurred." Boyer's hypothesis, finally, had been proven correct. For work that so enriched understanding of the life process itself, he and Walker were jointly awarded the Nobel prize [in Chemistry] in 1997.'

Resources with Additional Information

Additional information about Paul Boyer and adenosine triphosphate (APT) is available in documents and on the Web.



Enymatic Mechanism
Enzymatic Mechanism
of ATP Synthesis

Additional Web Pages:

