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CAP Servlet Interface


The DMI-Services CAP Servlet interface is a simple, read-only interface for those who do not want to build a full SOAP envelope and parse a SOAP return message. The servlet returns pure CAP XML messages as detailed below.


The servlet is called by sending requests to .

These requests aresentasHTTPparameters( etc...).

The required parameters for every servlet call are:

  • user: the DMI-Services username of the client.
  • pass: the DMI-Services password of the client.
  • cog: the numeric ID of the DMI-Services COG that the user belongs to.
  • op: the operation that the user is performing. The valid operations will expand over time, but currently the operation should be getCAPAlert.
  • version: the CAP version. Currently, valid values are 1.0 and 1.1. If this parameter is omitted, 1.0 is the default value.

The parameters required for the getCAPAlert call are either ONE of these two:

  • messageId: If this operation is selected, the servlet will return the single CAP alert that corresponds to the given messageID. Note that to ensure the proper CAP alert is returned, the messageId should be the senderId from the desired CAP alert and the identifier, seperated by a colon (i.e. An error string (<error>null</error>) will be returned if no alerts have been posted to the given COG (and the global COG) with the given messageId.
  • fromDate: If this operation is selected, the servlet will return a list of alerts posted since the given date, inclusive. The date should be in the same ISO 8601 date format used in SOAP date types (i.e. 2003-06-12T03:56:00.000Z for 3:56 AM, 6/12/2003 GMT). The alerts will be returned enclosed in a <Alerts> tag. An empty XML document will be returned if no alerts have been posted to the given COG (and the global COG) since the given date.

More functionality will be added as the interface evolves.


The following are some sample invocations. Each use the operator "operator1" in COG 1737.