Kauai Test Facility


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The SNL photographer, who can be onsite during the entire time of the build (by request), can provide digital photo-documentation of the complete rocket or target buildup. All photographs are printed onsite and a photo build book is generated as the rocket (target) is assembled. The customer receives the book and a CD, which include all photographs taken during the operation and launch.

The photographer covers the rocket launch with both film and digital framing cameras
(5 FPS) with as many cameras as needed per customer requirement. Available camera types include Nikon®, Hasselblad®, and an SNL-designed All-Sky Camera (time-lapsed for night launches). The images on this page were all taken with these cameras.

The photographer can also

  • Provide both prints and digital images at T+2 hours after launch
  • Prepare large photographs of the launch (framed, if desired), delivered approximately 30 days after launch
  • Design a CD jacket for the launch and send out as many CDs as requested, delivered about 7 to 10 days after launch.

NTW3-5 launch

Red Crow launch

NTW FM-3 launch

Slugger launch

TTV-1 launch

STARS M2 on the pad

STARS M2 launch

STARS M2 launch

STARS M3 launch

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