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"" Part I
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"" Chapter 1
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"" Chapter 3a
"" Chapter 3b
"" Chapter 4a
"" Chapter 4b
"" Chapter 5
"" Chapter 6
"" Chapter 7
"" Chapter 8
"" Chapter 9
"" Appendices
Employer Reporting Instructions
Part VIII - Employer Reporting System (ERS) Internet User Instructions
Chapter 3b:

How to Initiate Service and Compensation Reports
Form BA-6a, BA-6 Address Report

BA-6a initiated by employer

Employers are responsible to annually report addresses for new hires in the previous year. Address changes are reported by the employee, not the employer.
Click BA-6a under the Forms menu. This brings up a blank BA-6a screen. Enter the employee identifying data as usual. Only the first five letters of the surname are required but a complete last name may be helpful. Keep in mind that these are new hires and, as such, may be new records at the RRB. Entry of a middle initial is optional. Type the address information and click the approve button.

Process buttons

  • Approve -  click this to process the completed BA-6a and certify the data to the RRB.
  • Reset - click this to clear your address entries.
  • Cancel - click this to exit the BA-6a process without updating an address.
  • Delete - click this to delete the BA-6a form.  

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