FFIEC Community Reinvestment Act Header

Quick Reference to CRA Edits
  • The CRA edits have been developed to ensure an error-free submission of the CRA data. These edits should be incorporated into your automated systems. Data reported will be edited using the edits specified in this document.

    * Edit Types
    1. Syntactical(S) - Records that contain errors that prevent them from being uploaded to the FFIEC database. These errors range from incorrect activity years to duplicate property locations, which indicates that the property combination for that record identifier was used more than once. These records will not be recognized on the FFIEC database until the appropriate correction has been made.

    2. Validity(V)- Records that have factually incorrect information reported. The most common validity error is incorrect census tract/BNA numbers.

    3. Quality(Q) - Loan information that, while it may pass all syntactical and validity edits, is nevertheless statistically unusual and is subject to further investigation or review to ascertain correctness.

    * Note:
    V125 compares the number of records reported (excluding the transmittal sheet record) to the number of records contained on the transmittal sheet. This edit is performed to verify that all data have been received.
    V200 verifies that a transmittal sheet was received with each respondent's submission.

  • Any validity or syntactical edits that are not corrected will result in an erroneous disclosure statement. Loan records with edits will NOT be represented on the disclosure statement.

  • An error-free CRA Loan Submission will result in an accurate disclosure statement.