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Center for Veterinary Medicine
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Table of Contents

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Additional Veterinary ADE Information

CVM Update

Federal Register Notices

  • Interim Final Rule - Docket No. 88N-0038, CVM 200254. Records and Reports Concerning Experience with Approved New Animal Drugs; Delay of Effective Date. Page 49568 [FR Doc. 02-19299] July 31, 2002 | htm | | pdf | Effective date delayed indefinitely

  • Interim Final Rule - Docket No. 88N-0038, OC 2094220. Records and Reports Concerning Experience with Approved New Animal Drugs. Pages 5046-–5061 [FR Doc. 02-02549] February 4, 2002 | htm | | pdf |
    Comments by April 5, 2002 Effective August 5, 2002

CVM Program Policy and Procedures Manual

  • 1240.3510 - Drug Experience Reporting Requirements, February 20, 2007

  • 1240.3512 - Additional Sources of Adverse Reaction and Injury Reports, February 20, 2007

  • 1240.3514 - Drug Experience Reporting by Veterinarians, February 20, 2007

  • 1240.3520 - Adverse Reactions as a Basis for Regulatory Action, February 20, 2007

  • 1240.3522 - Review and Evaluation of Drug Experience Reports, February 20, 2007

  • 1240.3530 - Procedures for Processing Drug Experience Reports, February 20, 2007

CVM Guidance

  • Guidance for Industry 117: Pharmacovigilance of Veterinary Medicinal Products: Management of Adverse Event Reports (AER's) - VICH GL24 - DRAFT GUIDANCE, May 2, 2006 | html | | pdf | | FR Notice |

  • Guidance for Industry 142: Pharmacovigilance of Veterinary Medicinal Products: Management of Periodic Summary Update Reports (PSUs) - VICH GL29 - Draft Guidance, December 12, 2001 | doc | pdf |

  • Guidance for Industry 143: Pharmacovigilance of Veterinary Medicinal Products: Controlled List of Terms - VICH GL30 - Draft Guidance, June 21, 2007   | html | | pdf | | FR Notice |

  • Guidance for Industry 182:  Pharmacovigilance of veterinary Medicinal Products:  Data Elements for Submission of Adverse Event Reports - VICH GL42 - Draft Guidance, May 2, 2006 | html | | pdf | | FR Notice |

Journal Articles

Other FDA Adverse Experience Reports


Web Page Updated by jmo - June 21, 2007, 9:18 AM ET

horizonal rule