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November 12, 2002 - (date of web publication)

Learning How to Explain the Rain


Precipitation is more complicated than water falling from the sky. Rain, snow, ice crystals, clouds, and more all contribute to a complex process that circulates energy in the atmosphere and helps regulate our planet’s climate. Recent efforts by NASA and its partners have begun to reveal some of the subtleties that drive various forms of precipitation around the world. But more research is needed. Now with a new type of Earth based radar being utilized in actual field research tests, the space agency is developing the technologies that will enable it to maximize research systems of the future, already on the drawing board.



still from Reporter's Package

Image 1

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Text of Reporter Package: "What we don’t know about rain far outweighs what we do know. That’s one of the reasons NASA has developed the advanced N-Pol radar system. The facility is the only one of its kind, utilizing an ultra-modern flat panel radar antenna. It’s affiliated with the TRMM project, a satellite based research mission that’s designed to study rainfall in revolutionary ways.

John Gerlach, NASA Scientist says, "To understand what the satellite tells you you have to have some way of tying that into the measurements on the ground, and that’s one of the functions of the radar."

Located on the shores of a sun-baked backwater in the Florida Keys, a research team from NASA’s Wallops Island Flight Facility put the new radar system through its paces. The system is portable and self contained …able to operate continuously without re-supply for nearly two weeks.

Working in shifts 24 hours a day, scientists and engineers monitored tropical rainfall in a roughly 250 mile radius. They measured not only where and when rain fell, but also vital details about its physical nature, like droplet size and concentration of atmospheric water in a given area.

The team will fold their findings into ongoing research about precipitation and global climate. Moreover, their experiments here on a lonely spit of land are fundamental to the development of the next generation precipitation monitoring system, currently being developed for worldwide deployment in the latter part of the decade."



rain gauge

Image 2

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It’s called the N-Pol Radar system: NASA’s Polarimetric Radar. Capable of being loaded entirely into four ordinary sea cargo shipping containers, this new, advanced radar facility can be transported just about anywhere in the world with relative ease. Engineers and scientists designed the system to make measurements about distinct aspects of precipitation as it falls through the atmosphere. Characteristics of interest include droplet size, quantity, duration of rainfall events, and more. The rotating radar dish sees roughly 250 miles in any direction, rotating at a variable rate and able to be tilted dynamically to facilitate a multi-layered view of the atmosphere.

The facility utilizes a revolutionary flat panel radar “dish” to transmit and receive its radar signals. Unlike more traditional radar sites that use a parabolic bowl to send and receive radar signals, this new systems uses carefully engraved dipoles that have been etched into a specially prepared panel, much the same way that a circuit board in manufactured. Each element is individually focused on the central feed horn—the small target shaped object in front of the radar panel. The flat panel design has several significant advantages over its more traditional cousin. First, it can be easily disassembled for shipping; reassembly is equally easy. Second, the flat panel design allows for dramatic weight reductions in the overall tower. Hundreds of symmetrical squares of metal have been removed from the panel by precision laser cutting, thus decreasing to total mass of the panel. These holes facilitate operation of the dish in unusually windy environments by allowing air to pass right through the working structure of the system. In addition, the wind-friendly architecture means that a radome—a dome shaped structure designed to shield a turning radar dish—does not need to be in place, also reducing overall weight. All together, this helps the overall facility by reducing the needs for a massive mast to support the whole structure, dramatically shrinking the total size of the facility and enhancing its ability to be transported and set up quickly. At present, the N-Pol system run by the team at NASA’s Wallops Island Flight Facility is the largest flat panel radar in use anywhere in the world.
Powered by its own diesel generator, the facility can operate in complete isolation for a period of up to two weeks, without re-supply or other outside contact. The site maintains internet connectivity with a satellite uplink, and cools its sensitive computer and radar equipment with self contained air conditioning units. The facility only requires two people for full-scale operation at any one time.




Image 3

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Radar data collected by researchers at the facility can be displayed in ways that use colors to designate specific characteristics. As it sweeps the sky in a circular pattern, the radar antenna feeds its information into a sophisticated computer program. The software essentially maps the sky in terms of precipitation, showing a variety of details, from drop size to how much water exists at any one time in a given volume of sky. In addition to its ability to color-code rainfall data, the system can also store spatial information about what it sees, enabling researchers to review and compare their data at a later time.



scientist measuring rain

Image 4

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In addition to advanced radar installations and space age hardware on orbit, researchers know that old data collections techniques are not necessarily out of date. Besides measuring rainfall amounts by remote means, scientists have installed a series of rain gauges throughout the Florida Keys. By measuring the actual rainfall amounts collected over a discrete period of time, scientists can double check the readings of their more contemporary data systems, in addition to provide a wider range of geographic data to their archive.

In Image 2 we see a pair of rain gauges. They’re mounted to a flat surface in a remote area of a mangrove swamp in the Florida Keys. At the base of the tube, a protected electrical port stays out of the rain, ready to be plugged into a laptop computer. Like their analogous gauges scattered elsewhere, these instruments can collect rainfall in a central container and store it until technicians can come by to take readings.



TRMM satellite

Image 5

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The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) is the first Earth Science mission dedicated to studying tropical and subtropical rainfall, precipitation that falls within 35 degrees north and 35 degrees south of the equator. Tropical rainfall comprises more than two-thirds of the world’s total. The satellite uses several instruments to detect rainfall including radar, microwave imaging, and lightning sensors. Flying at a low orbital altitude of 217 miles (350 kilometers), TRMM’s study of tropical rainfall and attendant processes continues to be a powerful scientific research tool. In fact, during the past five years, this Japanese and American joint effort has provided huge returns to the science community, from greater understanding of how tropical rainfall affects overall climate, to the energy budget surrounding global desert regions, to revolutionary ways for studying hurricanes.
The Japanese space agency (NASDA) launched the satellite on an H-II rocket from Tanegashima Space Center on November 27, 1997.

TRMM data is available to researchers around the world. A team of scientists and engineers at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland manages it.

Special Thanks to Dr. John Gerlach, Observational Science Branch

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This multimedia project is the work of a dedicated team of researchers, animators, and media specialists. A detailed companion video to this web site is available from NASA-TV. Below are a list of agencies, departments, and researchers who provided expertise and data for this production:

NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center
Scientific Visualization Studio
Television Production NASA-TV/GSFC
GSFC Studio 13

Content Preparation & Project Production:

Michael Starobin
Mike McClare

GSFC Public Affairs Contact: Wade Sisler

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