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  • In the World News:
    • The Los Alamos-IBM supercomputing project 'Roadrunner' recently broke the petaflop barrier in computing speed. This landmark feat, which was previously predicted to be impossible for current super computer architecture has been widely reported by news agencies such as the New York Times and CNN. This achievement was hailed as a sign that the United States is regaining the lead in computer science. The code that was used to demonstrate the highest speed to date models the visual cortex and grew out of collaborations that were started at the CNLS conference Grand Challenges in Neural Computation.
    • Archived News
  • LANL News
    What is CNLS?

    The Center for Nonlinear Studies (CNLS) is part of the Laboratory's Theoretical Division, and it organizes research related to nonlinear and complex systems phenomena. CNLS was formed in October of 1980.

    CNLS Mission Statement

    • Identify and study complex nonlinear phenomena using a diverse set of research approaches and methodologies, particularly those of statistical physics, nonlinear science, applied mathematics and numerical simulation.
    • Promote the use of scientific results in applied research.
    • Stimulate the formation of interdisciplinary approaches to complex problems.
    • Facilitate the interchange of scientific results and ideas between Laboratory scientists and external centers of excellence.
    • Encourage the exploration of new scientific frontiers at the interface between conventional disciplines.
    • Support a broad spectrum of interdisciplinary science that underpins the Laboratory’s mission in national security.

    Mailing Address
    CNLS, MS B258,
    Los Alamos National Laboratory,
    Los Alamos, NM 87545, U.S.A.

    Group Office
    Phone: +1-505-667-1444
    FAX: +1-505-665-2659
    TA-3, Bldg. 1690, Rm. 101
    See directions to find the group office.

    Other Events of Interest

    LANL Operated by the Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the National Nuclear Security Administration of the US Department of Energy.
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