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Doing Business

Technology elements are developed and applied to create effective systems of physical protection.

Technology elements are developed and applied to create effective systems of physical protection.

User liaison
Mary Clare Stoddard (
Organization 6439
Sandia National Laboratories
P.O. Box 5800
Albuquerque, NM 87185-1131
phone: (505) 284-6985
FAX: (505) 845-3262


The Center for Security Systems is a fully integrated research-to- development-to application center that provides systems and technologies that understand, identify, and solve the nation's security problems. The Center includes extensive development and testing facilities for all aspects of physical security including the following:

The Center contains state-of-the-art test equipment to measure attributes of security equipment, and to collect information about and evaluate the performance of security systems and their individual components. Much of this equipment is located in the center's supporting laboratories:

and other dedicated laboratories for:

Modeling and simulation tools are used to duplicate environments and predict system and component effectiveness. Extensive use is made of the latest computing facilities in the development and analysis of new concepts and technologies.

User Support

The Center is supported by an experienced cadre of technical experts well versed in all aspects of security systems and technologies. Over 3000 person years of experience reside in the Center. More than $250 million has been invested by the government in developing security expertise. Center personnel are experienced in working with industry in the improvement of commercial security equipment.


This facility is available to support any application that can benefit from its unique capabilities. However, because of the sensitivity of government security applications, some facilities and information may not be available to non-U.S. citizens. To make arrangements to use the Center for Security Systems, contact the user liaison.