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Doing Business

User liaison
Kenneth Reil (
Sandia National Laboratories
P.O. Box 5800, MS 1146
Albuquerque, NM 87185-1146
phone: (505) 845-3050
FAX: (505) 284-3651


The Nuclear Facilities Resource Center (NUFAC) represents an exceptional national resource in providing unique capabilities for developing and applying nuclear solutions to problems of national importance.

NUFAC's nuclear engineering technology resource is derived from a combination of unique facilities and highly qualified people in a synergistic organizational structure. NUFAC can support a wide diversity of programs including designing, operating, and experimenting with nuclear reactors; performing in core testing of reactor fuel and criticality experiments; radiation processing of semiconductor materials; testing of electronic piece parts and components; performing activation analyses; characterizing radioactive materials; and producing radioisotopes.

Interrelated facilities include:

The Center has the analytical and experimental infrastructure necessary to meet customer needs in the following areas:


This facility is available to support any application that can benefit from its unique capabilities. To make arrangements to use this facility, contact the User Liaison.