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Latest Mission Operations News
PDHS-E (ESRIN) Envisat production - service resumed
The Envisat production and dissemination service at PDHS-E (ESRIN) has been resumed and the facility is back to nominal operation. The backlog is being processed and is expected to be completed shortly.
PDHS-E (ESRIN) Envisat production unavailability
Due to operational problems at PDHS-E (ESRIN), the Envisat processing facility is currently blocked, and all data generation including Near Real Time production and dissemination are on hold since ~20:00 UTC Sunday 23 August 2009.
PDHS-E (ESRIN) NRT dissemination resumed
The anomaly at PDHS-E (ESRIN) has been solved and the Envisat Near Real Time (NRT) dissemination activity is back to nominal operation.
Latest Mission Results News
Greek fires seen from space
ESA's Envisat satellite captures thick clouds of smoke billowing from wildfires that have been raging through Greece and are threatening the capital, Athens.
These images were acquired by Envisat's MERIS optical instrument on 22 and 24 August 2009, working in Full Resolution mode to provide a spatial resolution of 300 metres and are available on the MIRAVI website.

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Earth observation goes planetary - SCIAMACHY observes Venus
The SCIAMACHY sensor on ESA's Envisat satellite has provided scientists with invaluable data on our planet, allowing them to map global air pollution and the distribution of the most important greenhouse gases. Earlier this year, its sights were set on our nearest planetary neighbour, Venus.

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