GLOBE Scientists' Corner Publications

Atmosphere, Hydrology, Land Cover, Phenology, Earth System, Curriculum Integration, Education and Outreach, Masters Theses, Doctoral Dissertations, Books and Teachers Guides.



Creilson, J.K., M. Pippin, B. Henderson, I. Ladd, J. Fishman, D. Votapkova, and I. Krpcova. (2008).
"Surface Ozone Measured at GLOBE Schools in the Czech Republic: A Demonstration of the Importance of Student Contribution to the Larger Science Picture." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, April 2008, pp. 505-514.

Hiemstra, C.A., G.E. Liston, R.A. Pielke Sr., D.L. Birkenheuer, and S.C. Albers. (2006).
"Comparing Local Analysis and Prediction System (LAPS) Assimilations with Independent Observations." Weather and Forecasting, 21, pp.1024-1040.

Boersma, K.F., and J.P. de Vroom.
"Validation of MODIS Aerosol Observations over the Netherlands with GLOBE Student Participation." Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. III, p. D20311, doi. 10.1029/2006

Ward, D., K. Meymaris, S. Henderson, C. Walker, S. Pompea, S. Gallagher, R. Russell, and D. Salisbury. (2006).
"GLOBE at Night: A World-Wide Hunt for Stars." The Earth Scientist, Volume XXII, Issue 4, pp 8-11.

Brummer, R., Matsumoto, C., and Krumm, D. (2004).
"The Increasing Role of Satellite Data in the GLOBE Program." CIRA Magazine. Vol. 22, Fall 2004.

Duda, D.P., R. Palidkonda, and P. Minnis. (2004).
"Relating Satellite-based Contrail Detection to NWA Output." 11th American Meteorological Society Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, Vol 11 (2004), pp 8-9.

Kalkstein, Adam J., R. C. Balling Jr. (2004).
"Impact of Unusually Clear Weather on United States Daily Temperature Range Following 9/11/2001." Climate Research, Vol. 26: 2004, pp. 1-4.

Minnis, P., J.K. Ayers, R. Palikonda, and D. Phan. (2004).
"Contrails, Cirrus Trends and Climate." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 15 April 2004, pp. 1671-1685.

Travis, D., A. Carleton, and R. Lauritsen. (2004).
"Regional Variations in U.S. Diurnal Temperature Range for the 11-14 September 2001 Aircraft Groundings: Evidence of Jet Contrail Influence on Climate." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 1 March 2004, pp. 1123-1134.

Brooks, D.R., F.M. Mims III, A.S. Levine, and D. Hinton. (2003).
"The GLOBE/GIFTS Water Vapor Monitoring Project: An Educator's Guide with Activities in Earth Sciences." NASA Publication EG-2003-12-06-LARC.

Minnis, Patrick, J.K. Ayers, M.L. Nordeen, S. Weaver. (2003).
"Contrail Frequency over the United States from Surface Observations." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 1 Nov 2003, pp. 3447 3462.

Brooks, D. R., and F. M. Mims III. (2001).
"Development of an Inexpensive Handheld LED-based Sun Photometer for the GLOBE Program." Journal of Geophysical Research, 106 (D5): pp. 4733-4740.

Ladd, I., and W.A. Mickley. (2001).
"The Air We Breathe." Publication EG-2001-10-12 LaRC from the Office of Education and NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia.

Morys, M., F.M. Mims III, S. Hagerup, S. Anderson, A. Baker, J. Kia, and T. Walkup. (2001).
"Design, calibration and performance of MICROTOPS II handheld ozone monitor and sun photometer." Journal of Geophysical Research 106: pp. 14-573 - 14,582.

White, M. (2000).
"Young students, Satellites Aid Understanding of Climate-Biosphere Link." Earth in Space 12(4): pp. 1-16.

Mims, F. M. III. (1999).
"An International Haze-monitoring Network for Students." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 80(7): pp.1421-1431.


J. Melkonian, S.J. Riha, J. Robin, and E. Levine. (2007).
"Comparisons of Measured Stream Flow with Draining and Runoff Simulated by a Soil-vegetation-atmosphere Transport Model Parameterized with GLOBE Student Data." Journal of Hydrology, 333, pp. 214-225.

Land Cover

Ault, T.W., K. Czajkowski, T. Benko, J.Coss, J. Struble, A. Spongberg, M. Templin, and C. Gross. (2006).
"Validation of the MODIS Snow Product and Cloud Mask Using Student and NWS Cooperative Station Observations in the Lower Great Lakes Region." Remote Sensing of Environment. v. 105, pp.341-353.

Fried, A., R. Congalton, and M. Becker. (1998).
"New Frontiers in Land Cover Classification and Accuracy Assessment." Proceedings of the First International Conference on Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry. ERIM International, Inc. Ann Arbor, MI. Vol. I. pp.290-297.

Becker, M., R. Congalton, R. Budd, and A. Fried. (1997).
"A GLOBE Collaboration to Develop Land Cover Data Collection and Analysis Protocols." Journal of Science Education and Technology 7(1):pp. 85-96.

Congalton, R. and M. Becker. (1997).
"Validating Student Data for Scientific Use: An Example from the GLOBE Project." Internet Links for Science Education: Student-Scientist Partnerships. Karen Cohen, (Editor). Plenum Press, New York. pp.133-156.

Budd, R., A. Fried, M. Becker, and R. Congalton. (1996).
"Validating Remotely Sensed Environmental Data: The GLOBE Initiative." Eco-Informa 96, Lake Buena Vista, FL. published by ERIM, Ann Arbor, MI. Volume 10: pp. 497-502.


Bombaugh, R., E. Sparrow, and T. Mal. (2006).
"Using GLOBE's Plant Phenology to Monitor the Growing Season." Science Scope, March 2003, p. 202-23.

Bombaugh, R., E. Sparrow, and T. Mal. (2003).
"Using GLOBE Plant Phenology Protocols." The American Biology Teacher, Bol. 65. No. 4. pp. 279-284.

Bombaugh, R., E. Sparrow, and T. Mal. (2003).
"Using GLOBE's Plant Phenology to Monitor the Growing Season." Science Scope. March 2003. pp. 20-23.

Verbyla, D. L. (2001).
"A Test of Detecting Spring Leaf Flush Within the Alaskan Boreal Forest Using ERS-2 and Radarsat SAR Data." International Journal of Remote Sensing. Spring 2001.

Earth as a System

Filmer, P.E. (2005).
"Linking the GLOBE Program with NASA and NSF Large-Scale Experiments." American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2005, abstract #ED14A-04.

Kennedy, T. J., and S. Henderson. (2003).
"The GLOBE Program: Bringing Together Students, Teachers and Scientists to Increase Scientific Understanding of the Earth through Research." Children, Youth and Environments, Vol 13, No.2.

Hilton, W. (2002).
"Operation Ruby Throat: The Hummingbird Project." Gazette. Vol. 3 No. 10.

Haskett, J., E. Levine, P. Carey, and F. Niepold. (2000).
"Biomass measurement: A science activity for middle school." Science Activities 37: 33-38.

White, M., M.D. Schwartz, and S.W. Running. (2000).
"Young Students, Satellites Aid Understanding of Climate-Biosphere Link." EOS, Vol. 81, No. 1 pp. 1-8.

Ross, T., Ansari, S.R., and W.M. Faas.
"Integrating GLOBE Student Data Observations at NCDC in Climate Monitoring Activities." National Climate Data Center Publications. pp. 1.31

Fried, A., R. Budd, M. Becker, and R. Congalton. (1996).
"Monitoring Global Environmental Resources: The GLOBE Perspective." Proceedings of The GIS/LIS 96. Denver, CO. November 1996. pp. 740-747.

Curriculum Integration

Kennedy, T. J. (2006).
"Foreign Language Learning and its Impact on the Brain: Connecting language learning with the mind through content-based instruction." Foreign Language Annals, 39(3), pp. 471-486.

Kennedy, T. J. (2006).
"Making Content Connections Online via the GLOBE Program." E. Hanson-Smith and S. Rilling (Eds.), Computers in the Language Classroom: From Theory to Practice, Chapter 7, pp. 83-96. TESOL Publication.

Roblyer, M., Dicky, E. and Odell, M.R.L. (2005).
Chapter 11: Technology in Mathematics and Science Instruction. Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching, fourth edition by M. D. Roblyer, Prentice Hall.

Graves, S., M.R.L. Odell, T.J. Ewars, and J. Ophus. (2004).
Chapter 32: Models of Reform in Teaching in the General and Earth Sciences: Promoting Scientific Literacy among Undergraduate non-Science Majors. D.W. Sunal, E.L. Wright (Eds.) InfoAge 2004 Volume of Research in Science Education: Reform in Undergraduate Science Teaching for the 21st Century.

Kennedy, T. J., and M. J. Pedras. (2004).
Service-learning: The Missing Link to Language Study, Preservice Education and Building Community. In J. Hellebrandt, J. Arries, L. Varona, & C. Klein, Eds.), JUNTOS: Community partnerships in Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP Professional Development Handbook Series, Vol. 5). Boston: Heinle.

Kennedy, T. J. (Winter, 2004).
NASA Resources in Spanish: The Universe in the Classroom, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p. 60.

Kennedy, T.J. (Spring, 2004).
NNELL Web site Reviews — NASA Products for the Content-based Classroom, Learning Languages, p. 42.

Odell, M. R. L., S. Badger, T.J. Kennedy, T. Ewers, and M. Klett. (2004).
"Integrating Information Technology into Undergraduate Science." D.W. Sunal, E. L. Wright, & J. Bland (Eds.), Research in Science Education: Reform in Undergraduate Science Teaching for the 21st Century, Chapter 10, 167-180. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing Inc.

Penuel, W.R., Means, B. (2004).
"Implementation Variation and Fidelity in an Inquiry Science Program: Analysis of GLOBE Data Reporting Patterns." Journal of Research in Science Teaching. Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 294-315.

Sundburg, C., M.R.L. Odell, D. Sunal, A. May and W. Ruchti. (2004).
"Team Teaching in an Online Environment: Effects on Instructors and Students." NW ATE Journal of Educational Practices, Vol. 3 Number 1.

Bagayoko D. and D. Mohammad. (2003).
Correlations Between Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) and the Louisiana Mathematics Content Standards. A 47 page manual for integrating GLOBE into the teaching and learning of mathematics. (ISBN No. 0-9715233-2-0). Publisher: LS-LAMP, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Butler, D. M., and I.D. MacGregor. (2003).
"GLOBE: Science and education." Journal of Geoscience Education 51(1): pp. 9-20.

Kennedy, T., and Henderson, S. (2003).
"The GLOBE Program: Bringing Together Students, Teachers and Scientists to Increase Scientific Understanding of the Earth through Research." Children, Youth and Environments. Vol. 13, No. 2.

Kennedy, T. J. (Spring, 2003).
"Making Content Connections through Foreign Language Instruction via GLOBE." ERIC/CLL News Bulletin, 26(2), pp. 6-8.

Ledley, T.S., N. Haddad, J. Lockwood, and D. Brooks. (2003).
"Developing meaningful student-teacher-scientist partnerships." Journal of Geoscience Education 51: pp. 91-95.

Kelly, G., T.J. Kennedy, M. Eberhardt , and L.K. Austin. (2002).
"Learning Spanish While Practicing Math Concepts and Skills: A Winning Combination." Teaching Children Mathematics, 9: 3; pp. 141-147.

Kennedy, T.J. (2002).
"Classroom Practices for Literacy Development of English Language Learners." Northwest Passage: NWATE Journal of Education Practices, 2: 1; pp. 35-39.

Wormstead, S., Becker, M., and Congalton, R. (2002).
"Tools for Successful Student-Teacher-Scientist Partnerships." Journal of Science Education and Technology, Vol. II, No 3. pp 277-287.

Avard, M, and Clark. B, (2001).
"GLOBE in Preservice and Inservice Teacher Education." Journal of Geosciences Education, V. 49, Nov. 2001 pp. 461-466.

Bagayoko D. and R. L. Ford. (2001).
"Meta-Correlations Between GLOBE and Science and Mathematics Education Reforms." Published in the US and elsewhere. (ISBN No. 0-9704609-8-8), pp. 5-7.

Kennedy, T. J. and G. Canney. (2001).
"Collaborating Across Language, Age, and Geographic Borders." Chapter 17, Risko, K. and K. Bromley. (Eds.), Collaboration for Diverse Learners: Viewpoints and Practices, pp. 310-329.

Kennedy, T. J. (2001).
"Preparing Teachers for Educating Linguistically Diverse Students." Northwest Passage: NWATE Journal of Education Practices, 1: 1, pp. 51-55.

Kennedy, T. J. and M. R. L. Odell. (2000).
"GLOBE: An International, Technology-Based Interdisciplinary Program." H.E. Klein (Ed.), Case Method Research and Application: Creative Interactive Teaching, Case Method and Other Techniques, Vol. XII, pp. 215-218.

Means, B., and E. Coleman. (2000).
"Technology Supports for Student Participation in Science Investigations." Innovations in Science and Mathematics Education, M.J. Jacobson and R.B. Kozma (eds.), pp. 287-310. Erlbaum, Mahwah, New Jersey.

Coleman, E. B., and W.R. Penuel. (2000).
"Web-based student assessment for program evaluation." Journal of Science Education and Technology 9(4): pp. 327-342.

Kennedy, T. J. (Spring, 1999).
"GLOBE Integrates Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and Technology into the Foreign Language Classroom." Learning Languages, pp. 23-25.

Means, B. (1998).
"Melding authentic science, technology, and inquiry-based teaching: Experiences of the GLOBE program." Journal of Science Education and Technology 7(1): pp. 97-105.

Kennedy, T. J., M. R. L. Odell, F. Jensen, and L. Austin. (December 1998).
"A Content-based, Hands-on Program: Idaho FLES." Hispania, pp. 933-940.

Public Education and Outreach

Riddaway R., Flemming, G., Jayanthi, N., Kennedy, T.J., Kootval, H., Kwong, H.L., Sponberg, K. & Zyncencko, N. (2006).
"Public Weather Services Strategy for Developing Public Education and Outreach." World Meteorological Services. PWS-14; WMO/TD No. 1354.

Michael Padilla, M., Anderson, H., Arndt, L., Dawson, G., Forbes, D., Kennedy, T.J., Penick, J., Shugrue, S., Turina, P., & Tweed, A. (2005).
"Developing a World View for Science Education: In North America and Across the Globe." Final Report of the International Task Force, National Science Teachers Association (NSTA).

Odell, M.R.L. (2005).
"NASA Resources to Support Science Teaching" Presented at the Conference on Teaching Elementary Science: Developing Models of Collaboration among Schools, Colleges and Scientists. Wheelock, College, Boston, Massachusetts.

Cardulla, F. (2003).
"The GLOBE Program: Science in the Sunshine." ChemMatters. Vol. 21, Nov. 3, Oct 2003. pp 31-32.

Ishwaran, N., and R. Stone (2003).
"Heritage Learning and Data Collection: World Heritage, Environmental Education and Bridging the Digital Divide: A Collaborative project by UNESCO'S World Heritage Center and The GLOBE Program." CIA Online World Fact Book 2002.

Graves, S., Kennedy, T. et al (2003).
"Life-Long Learning: Exploring Your Local Community Through GLOBE," Teachers Guide.

Odell, M. R. L. and T. J. Kennedy. (2002).
"Idaho Space Grant Education Outreach Opportunities." Aerospace Technology Symposium 2002, University of Nebraska at Omaha Aviation Institute (UNOAI) Monograph Series, Report 02-5.

Kennedy, T.J., M.R.L. Odell, and M.D. Klett. (January, 2001).
"Internet en Las Escuelas de Estados Unidos: Una Perspectiva del Programa GLOBE." Congreso de EducaRed - Foro de la Escuela Virtual, La Novedad Pedagógica de Internet, Ministerio de la Educación, Madrid, España.

Sparrow, E. (2001).
"GLOBE: A New Model in K-12 Science Education." Global Glimpses. Center for Global Change & Arctic System Research. Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 1-11.

Masters Theses

Itoga, Shunichi. (2004).
Impact of GLOBE on Student's Knowledge and Attitude: A Case Study of GLOBE students in the Renaissance Charter School, Moscow. MS Thesis in Environmental Science, University of Idaho.
Gotch, Chad. (2002).
The Nature-Related Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviours of Idaho Youth. MS Thesis. 2002.

Clemmons, J. (2000).
A comparison of water quality methods and data: GLOBE Program vs. United States Geological Survey. Master's thesis, Department of Hydrology and Water Resources, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. 124p.

Wormstead, S. (1999).
Training Material Design Criteria for the Implementation of Student-Teacher-Scientist Partnerships in the Elementary and Middle School Levels: With Focus on the GLOBE Program. MS Thesis, University of New Hampshire, Durham.

Kramer, A.M. (1998).
GLOBE water quality data in context: A comparative study of volunteer and governmental agency databases. Master's thesis, Department of Hydrology and Water Resources, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. 107 p.

Budd, R. (1997).
Assessing the Accuracy of Land Cover Data Collected by Students for the GLOBE Program. MS Thesis, University of New Hampshire, Durham.

Fried, A. (1997).
New Frontiers in Land Cover Classification: A Comparison of the Accuracies of Professional and K-12 Student Field Data Collection Methods. MS Thesis, University of New Hampshire, Durham.

Doctoral Dissertations

Robin, J.H. (2006).
Improving Predictive Capabilities for Environmental Change with GLOBE Data. Doctoral Dissertaion. University of Maryland, College Park. Department of Geology.

Kennedy, T.J. (1998).
FLES: An Elementary School Spanish Program and its Effects on Cognitive and Attitudinal Development. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Idaho. Dissertation Abstracts International, 59-07, 2401A.

Books and Teachers Guides

List H., S Zeeman, C. Lutz, M. Garcia, C. Guiuliano, R. Morris, B. Simmons-Waters. (2007).
Coastal Biodiversity-Teacher Guide. based on work supported by the National Science Foundation Grant. No. 0222740.

List H., S Zeeman, C. Lutz, M. Garcia, C. Guiuliano, R. Morris, B. Simmons-Waters. (2007).
(includes CD) Coastal Diversity — Student Lab Book. based on work supported by the National Science Foundation Grant. No. 0222740.

List H., S Zeeman, C. Lutz, M. Garcia, C. Guiuliano, R. Morris, B. Simmons-Waters. (2007).
(includes CD) Atmosphere — Teacher Guide. based on work supported by the National Science Foundation Grant. No. 0222740.

List H., S Zeeman, C. Lutz, M. Garcia, C. Guiuliano, R. Morris, B. Simmons-Waters. (2007).
(includes CD) Atmosphere — Student Lab Book. based on work supported by the National Science Foundation Grant. No. 0222740.

List H., S Zeeman, C. Lutz, M. Garcia, C. Guiuliano, R. Morris, B. Simmons-Waters. (2007).
(includes CD) Changing Coastal Populations — Teacher Guide. based on work supported by the National Science Foundation Grant. No. 0222740.

List H., S Zeeman, C. Lutz, M. Garcia, C. Guiuliano, R. Morris, B. Simmons-Waters. (2007).
(includes CD) Changing Coastal Populations — Student Lab Book. based on work supported by the National Science Foundation Grant. No. 0222740.

List H., S Zeeman, C. Lutz, M. Garcia, C. Guiuliano, R. Morris, B. Simmons-Waters. (2007).
(includes CD) Data Investigation. based on work supported by the National Science Foundation Grant. No. 0222740.

List H., S Zeeman, C. Lutz, M. Garcia, C. Guiuliano, R. Morris, B. Simmons-Waters. (2007).
(includes CD) Patterns of Weather — Teacher Guide. based on work supported by the National Science Foundation Grant. No. 0222740.

Nama, M., C. Bongwa, D. Forbin, and D. Paizee. (2007).
Stay Tuned. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK.

Hatheway B., K. Zarlengo, C. Bongwa, D. Forbin, and D. Paizee. (2006).
Elementary GLOBE K-4 Earth System Science Unit. University Corporation for Atmospheric Research , Boulder, Colorado.

Washburne, J.C., and C.L. Henzel. (1997).
GLOBE Teachers Guide — Soil Moisture and Temperature Investigation. Teacher's Guidebook, GLOBE Program, Washington, D.C.
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