Technical Help

Web Browser Requirements

TreasuryDirect requires a browser that supports 128-bit encryption. Opening an account, as well as buying securities and managing your account, requires the transmission of sensitive data, such as your Taxpayer Identification Number (e.g., Social Security Number) and your bank information. Support of 128-bit encryption provides a high level of security for these transmissions and is the industry standard for electronic financial transactions. This site is optimized for Internet Explorer.

Establishing a secure connection or SSL connection

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a common protocol for sending payment information securely over the Internet. SSL works by using a private, mathematical key to encrypt (or scramble) data that's transferred between your Web browser and the Web site you're visiting.

You can verify that it's working by checking for a closed lock in the lower left or right-hand corner of your browser window. Also, the URL in the address bar of your browser will begin with "https://" instead of "http://" (note the added s).

Back, Forward, Refresh, and Stop buttons in the Web browser

Due to security features built into TreasuryDirect, you cannot use the Back, Forward, Refresh, or Stop buttons in your browser window. If you use these features, you will automatically exit the system, and your information will be deleted.

Technical Help Contacts

By e-mail:
If you have any other technical issues or questions, please e-mail us.