Approval Process

Investigations covered under the IDE regulation are subject to differing levels of regulatory control depending on the level of risk. The IDE regulation distinguishes between significant and nonsignificant risk device studies and the procedures for obtaining approval to begin the study differ accordingly. Also, some types of studies are exempt from the IDE regulations.

Significant Risk Device

A significant risk device presents a potential for serious risk to the health, safety, or welfare of a subject. Significant risk devices may include implants, devices that support or sustain human life, and devices that are substantially important in diagnosing, curing, mitigating or treating disease or in preventing impairment to human health. Examples include sutures, cardiac pacemakers, hydrocephalus shunts, and orthopedic implants. Guidance on distinguishing between significant risk and nonsignificant risks studies are outlined in the document

Studies of devices that pose a significant risk require both FDA and an Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval prior to initiation of a clinical study. FDA approval is obtained by submitting an IDE application to FDA (§812.20).

In order to conduct a significant risk device study, a sponsor must:

submit the investigational plan and report of prior investigations (§812.25 and §812.27) to the IRB at each institution where the investigation is to be conducted for review and approval; and

Upon receipt of an IDE application, sponsors are notified in writing of the date that FDA received the original application and the IDE number assigned (Receipt of supplements and amendments are not acknowledged). An IDE application is considered approved 30 days after it has been received by FDA, unless FDA otherwise informs the sponsor prior to 30 calendar days from the date of receipt, that the IDE is approved, approved with conditions, or disapproved. In cases of disapproval, a sponsor has the opportunity to respond to the deficiencies and/or to request a regulatory hearing under 21 CFR Part 16.

Once an IDE application is approved, the following requirements must be met in order to conduct the investigation in compliance with the IDE regulation:

Nonsignificant Risk Device

Nonsignificant risk devices are devices that do not pose a significant risk to the human subjects. Examples include most daily-wear contact lenses and lens solutions, ultrasonic dental scalers, and foley catheters.

A nonsignificant risk device study requires only IRB approval prior to initiation of a clinical study. Sponsors of studies involving nonsignificant risk devices are not required to submit an IDE application to FDA for approval. Submissions for nonsignificant device investigations are made directly to the IRB of each participating institution. Sponsors should present an explanation to the IRB where the study will occur of why the device does not pose a significant risk. If the IRB disagrees and determines that the device poses a significant risk, the sponsor must report this finding to FDA within five working days [§812.150(b)(9)]. FDA considers an investigation of a nonsignificant risk device to have an approved IDE when IRB concurs with the nonsignificant risk determination and approves the study.

The sponsor also must comply with the abbreviated IDE requirements under §812.2 (b):

IDE Exempt Investigations

All clinical investigations of devices must have an approved IDE or be exempt from the IDE regulation. Investigations that are exempted from 21 CFR 812 are described in §812.2(c) of the IDE regulation. Studies exempt from the IDE regulation include:

  1. a legally marketed device when used in accordance with its labeling
  1. a diagnostic device if it complies with the labeling requirements in §809.10(c) and if the testing:
    1. is noninvasive;
    2. does not require an invasive sampling procedure that presents significant risk;
    3. does not by design or intention introduce energy into a subject; and
    4. is not used as a diagnostic procedure without confirmation by another medically established diagnostic product or procedure;

Additional guidance for an in vitro diagnostic device studies can be found in "Regulating In Vitro Diagnostic Device (IVD) Studies."

  1. consumer preference testing, testing of a modification, or testing of a combination of devices if the device(s) are legally marketed device(s) [that is, the devices have an approved PMA, cleared Premarket Notification 510(k), or are exempt from 510(k)] AND if the testing is not for the purpose of determining safety or effectiveness and does not put subjects at risk;

  2. a device intended solely for veterinary use;

  3. a device shipped solely for research with laboratory animals and contains the labeling "CAUTION – Device for investigational use in laboratory animals or other tests that do not involve human subjects."

Depending upon the nature of the investigation, those studies which are exempt from the requirements of the IDE regulation may or may not be exempt from the requirements for IRB review and approval under Part 56 and the requirements for obtaining informed consent under Part 50. For guidance regarding the applicability of these regulations with respect to investigations being conducted under the provisions of §812.2(c), contact the reviewing IRB and/or the IDE Staff at (301) 594-1190.

Who Must Apply for an IDE

The sponsor of the clinical trial is responsible for submitting the IDE application to FDA (§812.40) and obtaining Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval before the study can begin. Foreign companies wanting to conduct a clinical study in the U.S. MUST have a U.S. sponsor (§812.18). Under certain circumstances, the clinical investigator may wish to submit an IDE and would, therefore, also act as the sponsor of the study.

When to Apply

Study approval must be obtained PRIOR to enrolling patients at the study site. Each site must have approval from the reviewing IRB for that site prior to beginning the study. For significant risk device studies, in addition to IRB approvals, the sponsor must also have an approved IDE from FDA prior to beginning the study at any site. The review of applications to FDA and to the IRBs are independent and, therefore, may be submitted simultaneously.

Pre-IDE Process

Sponsors are encouraged to contact FDA to obtain further guidance prior to the submission of an IDE application. This will be especially beneficial to new sponsors who have not previously had contact with the agency and for sponsors proposing to study new technologies or new uses for existing technologies. Early interaction with the agency should help to increase the sponsor's understanding of FDA requirements, regulations, and guidance documents, and will allow FDA personnel to familiarize themselves with the new technologies. Increased interaction between FDA and sponsors should help to speed the regulatory process and minimize delays in the development of useful devices intended for human use. The communication with FDA may take the form of a "Pre-IDE" meeting and/or a "Pre-IDE" submission.

Informal Guidance Meeting

Sponsors are encouraged to meet with the ODE reviewing division before the IDE application is submitted for review so that the reviewing division can provide any advice/guidance which can be used in the development of supporting pre-clinical data or the investigational plan for incorporation into the IDE application. These meetings may take the form of telephone conference calls, video conferences, or face-to-face discussions. The sponsor should contact the reviewing division directly or may contact the IDE staff for assistance.

Formal Guidance Meetings

Determination Meeting - A sponsor or applicant anticipating the submission of a PMA may submit a written request to discuss the type of valid scientific evidence that will be necessary to demonstrate that the device is effective for its intended use. This meeting is to focus on the broad outline of clinical trial design. The request and summary information for a meeting should be submitted as a pre-IDE submission and identified as a determination meeting request. FDA’s determination is provided to the applicant in writing within 30 days following the meeting.

Agreement Meeting - A sponsor or applicant may submit a written request for a meeting to reach an agreement with FDA regarding FDA's review of an investigational plan (including a clinical protocol). The request and summary information should be submitted as a pre-IDE submission and identified as an agreement meeting request. This meeting should take place no later than 30 days after receipt of the request. The written request should include a detailed description of the device, a detailed description of the proposed conditions of use of the device, a proposed plan (including a clinical protocol) for determining whether there is a reasonable assurance of effectiveness, and, if available, information regarding the expected performance of the device. If an agreement is reached between FDA and the sponsor or applicant regarding the parameters of an investigational plan (including a clinical protocol), the terms of the agreement are put in writing and made part of the administrative record by FDA.

Additional guidance can be found in:

"Early Collaboration Meetings Under the FDA Modernization Act (FDAMA), Final Guidance for Industry and CDRH Staff"

"Goals and Initiatives for the IDE Program," Blue Book Memorandum #D95-1

Pre-IDE Program: Issues and Answers - Blue Book Memo D99-1, March 1999

Pre-IDE Submissions

In addition to telephone contacts and informal or formal guidance meetings, sponsors may submit preliminary information as a "pre-IDE" submission. Sponsors are encouraged to submit pre-IDE submissions while the sponsor is preparing the formal IDE submission whenever the sponsor requires informal FDA guidance on troublesome parts of the IDE application, e.g., clinical protocol design, pre-clinical testing proposal, pre-clinical test results, protocols for foreign studies when the studies will be used to support future marketing applications to be submitted to FDA.

Upon completion of the review of the pre-IDE submission, the reviewing division will issue a response to the sponsor in a timely manner, usually within 60 days of receipt. The response may take the form of a letter or comments provided during a meeting or telephone conference call. If FDA's response is provided via comments during a meeting or a telephone conference call, a memo of the meeting or conference call will be prepared.

A pre-IDE submission must be clearly identified as such, submitted in duplicate, and addressed to:

Center for Devices and Radiological Health
Food and Drug Administration
IDE Document Mail Center (HFZ-401)
9200 Corporate Boulevard Rockville, MD 20850-3223

FDA Action on IDE Applications

Approval or Disapproval §812.30

FDA will notify the sponsor in writing of the date it receives an IDE application. FDA may approve, approve with modification, or disapprove an IDE application. FDA may request additional information about an investigation. The sponsor may provide the requested information or the sponsor may treat such a request as a disapproval of the application and request a hearing in accordance with 21 CFR 16.

The clinical investigation may begin after FDA and the IRB approves an IDE for the investigation. An investigation may begin 30 days after FDA receives the IDE application for the investigation of a device if IRB approval has been obtained unless FDA notifies the sponsor that the investigation may not begin.

Grounds for disapproval or withdrawal

FDA may disapprove or withdraw approval of an IDE application if FDA finds that:

  1. The sponsor has not complied with applicable requirements of the IDE Regulation, any other applicable regulations or statutes, or any condition of approval imposed by an IRB or FDA.

  2. The application or a report contains untrue statements or omits required material information.

  3. The sponsor fails to respond to a request for additional information within the time prescribed by FDA.

  4. There is reason to believe that the risks to the human subjects are not outweighed by the anticipated benefits to the subjects or the importance of the knowledge to be gained, that informed consent is inadequate, that the investigation is scientifically unsound, or that the device as used is ineffective.

  5. It is unreasonable to begin or to continue the investigation due to the way in which the device is used or the inadequacy of:

    (i) the report of prior investigations or the investigational plan; (ii) the methods, facilities, and controls used for the manufacturing, processing, packaging, storage, and, where appropriate, installation of the device; or (iii) the monitoring and review of the investigation.

Notice of Disapproval or Withdrawal

If FDA disapproves an IDE application or proposes to withdraw approval, FDA will notify the sponsor in writing. A disapproval order will contain a complete statement of the reasons for disapproval and will advise the sponsor of the right to request a regulatory hearing under 21 CFR 16. FDA will provide an opportunity for a hearing before withdrawal of approval unless FDA determines that there is an unreasonable risk to the public health if testing continues.


21 CFR 812.2
21 CFR 812.3
21 CFR 812.30

Procedures for Handling Inquiries Regarding the Ned for an Investigational Device Exemptions Application for Research Involving Medical Devices, October 26, 2001 (#D01-01)

Information Sheets: Guidance for Institutional Review Boards and Clinical Investigators, 1998
Significant Risk And Nonsignificant Risk Medical Device Studies

Regulating In Vitro Diagnostic Device (IVD) Studies

Guidance on IDE Policies and Procedures

"Goals and Initiatives for the IDE Program," Blue Book Memorandum #D95-1

Early Collaboration Meetings Under the FDA Modernization Act (FDAMA), Guidance for Industry and CDRH Staff 

Pre-IDE Program: Issues and Answers - Blue Book Memo D99-1, March 1999

Review of IDEs for Feasibility Studies 5/17/89 (D89-1)

Guideline for the Monitoring of Clinical Investigations

FDA Issues Guidance for Collection of Race and Ethnicity Data in Clinical Trials for FDA Regulated Products

Guidance for Industry; Collection of Race and Ethnicity Data in Clinical Trials (Draft Guidance)

Last modified date7/21/03