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ATTACHMENT - 3/24/09


(Note:  This import alert represents the agency's current guidance to FDA
field personnel regarding the products listed below and the manufacturers,
shippers and/or growers thereof listed in the attachment.  It does not create
or confer any rights for or on any person, and does not operate to bind FDA or
the public.)

PRODUCTS       :Raw Fresh and Raw Fresh Refrigerated Fruits and
                   Vegetables (see below)

PRODUCT CODES  : 20A[] B14    - strawberries
                 20A[] C14

                 22A[] B01    - cantaloupe
                 22A[] C01

                 24T[] B05    - broccoli
                 24T[] C05

                 24T[] B11    - celery
                 24T[] C11

                 24T[] B21    - parsley
                 24T[] C21

                 24T[] B30    - escarole, endive
                 24T[] C30

                 24T[] B32    - loose leaf lettuce
                 24T[] C32

                 24T[] B34    - withloof, chicory leaf
                 24T[] C34

                 24T[] B35    - lamb's lettuce, mache
                 24T[] C35

                 24T[] B36    - radicchio
                 24T[] C36

                      24T[] B46    - cilantro
                 24T[] C46

                 24T[] B47    - mesclun (& other loose-leaf varieties)
                 24T[] C47
                 25J[] B04    - scallions/green onions
                 25J[] C04

Note:     B - designates that the produce is in its natural state (raw).
      C - designates the produce is raw fresh, refrigerated.

PROBLEM        :Pathogenic contamination, such as E. coli
                   0157:H7, Salmonella and Shigella

PAF            : MIC

COLLECTION          : 03F098

COUNTRY        : See Attachment

SHIPPER        : See Attachment

CHARGE         : "The article is subject to refusal of admission
               pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) of the Act in that it appears
               to bear or contain a poisonous or deleterious substance
               which may render it injurious to health [adulteration,

                    (Appropriate OASIS charge codes: SALMONELLA,
                    SHIGELLA, E.COLI, BACTERIA)

OFFICE         :Division of Import Operations and Policy (HFC-170) and
               CFSAN/Office of Field Programs, Imports Branch (HFS-606)

ALERT               :In January of 1997, President Clinton announced the "Food
                    Safety Initiative" to improve the safety of the nation's
                    food supply.  Fresh produce was identified by DHHS, USDA,
                    and EPA as an area for concern.  The President announced a
                    plan in October 1997, entitled Ensure the Safety of Fruits
                    and Vegetables" (called the "Produce Safety Initiative").
                    This initiative is intended to provide further assurance
                    that the produce consumed by the American public meets the
                    appropriate health and safety standards.

               Fresh produce is of special concern because it is likely to
               be consumed raw prior to any type of microbiologically
               lethal processing.  Due to complex supply and distribution
               patterns, when an outbreak does occur, it may be widespread.
               Complex distribution patterns and a relatively short shelf
               life also make traceback of fresh produce  particularly

               Such products represent a serious potential threat to the
               U.S. public health.  FDA is concerned about the
                    importation of products tainted with pathogens and
                    considers such adulteration a significant health issue.

GUIDANCE       :Districts may detain, without physical examination, those
               fresh and raw fresh refrigerated produce from
               manufacturers, shippers, and/or growers as listed in the
               attachment to this import alert for the microbial
               contamination indicated.

               For guidance on removal from detention without physical
               examination refer to the Imported Produce Sampling
               Assignment- FY99.

CONTACTS       :CFSAN, HFS-606, Patricia Sherrod at 202-205-4606
               DIOP, HFC-170, Linda Wisniowski at 301-443-6553

GUIDANCE       : I

FOI            : No purging is required

KEYWORDS       :produce, fruits, vegetables, E.coli, Salmonella,  Shigella,
               pathogens, microbial contamination

PREPARED BY         : Linda Wisniowski, DIOP, 301-443-6553

INTO FIARS          : July 14, 1999



                                             M = Manufacturer
                                             S  =  Shipper

                    CANADA (CA)

Firm Name and Address:        M/S: Product/       Reason:   DWPE
                              Product Code:            Date:

Ippolito Fruit &              M    Cilantro                 10/21/02
  Produce Ltd.                28A[][]15
1032 Howard Rd, R.R.# 2
Burlington, Canada L7R3X5
FEI #3000329386

Les Fermes Du Soleil          M    Green Onions   Shigella  9/2/2008
800 Rang 2                         (scallions)
Ste-Clothilde, Quebec              25J[]B04
Canada                        25J[]C04
FEI# 3000118104

*Western Harvest Gardens S    All Green Onions    Shigella  9/2/2008
1911 Ch De La Riviere              (scallions) from
Sainte-Clotide-De-Chateaugu        Les Fermes du Soleil
Quebec, Canada                25J[]B04
FEI# 3004297235                    25J[]C04
*Green onions (scallions) from the above shipper are subject to refusal of
admission unless it can be shown through documentation that the source is not
Les Fermes Du Soleil, Ste-Clothilde, Quebec, Canada.

                         COSTA RICA (CR, 295)

Firm Name and Address:        M/S  Product/       Reason:   DWPE
                              Product Code:            Date:

Finca Torres             M    Cilantro       Salmonella     7/30/99
Linda Vista Siquirres              24T[][]46
Limon, Costa Rica
FEI# 3002739819

Roger Oswalt Produce SA       M    Cantaloupe          Shigella  08/8/05
Apdo 248-5400                 22A[]B01
Puntarenas, Costa Rica             22A[]C01
FEI# 3004523418

Melones De Costa Rica,        M    Cantaloupes         Shigella  3/6/00
S.A.                          22A[]B01
150 Metros Oeste De Matra
La Uruca
Box 7691
Puerto Limon, Costa Rica
FEI #1000540108

Tropifresh de Costa Rica SA   M    Cantaloupes         Salmonella     3/2/07
7 Km. Sur de Playa Samara          24A[][]01
Guanacastle, Costa Rica
FEI #3005042673

                         MEXICO (MX, 595)

Firm Name and Address:        M/S:      Product/       Reason:   DWPE
                                   Product Code:            Date:

Agricola Buen Ano S.          M         Cilantro  Salmonella   7/14/99
De R.L. de C.V.                         24T[][]46
Jose Aguilar Barraza 136
Culiancan, Sinaloa, Mexico
FEI# 3002574239

Agricola Zaragoza, SA de CV   M    Jalapeno Peppers    Salmonella     7/22/2008
Lorenzo Cavazos Tamez              Serrano Peppers
Col El Maguey                 24F[][]08
Allende, Mexico                    24F[][]99
FEI #3004336216

Campo Blanco S.A. De C.V.     M    Peppers        Salmonella     8/12/2008
Juan Ignacio Aldama           24F[][]08
No. 35 Entre Leona            24F[][]99
Tula, Tamaulipas
FEI# 3005948714

*Fidel Pedraza Obregon        S    Jalapeno Peppers    Salmonella     3/23/09
Ave. Los Angeles #1000,            Serrano Peppers
Bodega 321 & 323,             from Campo Blanco
Mercado de Abastos Estrella,       24F[][]12
Col. Garza Cantu,             24F[][]13
San Nicolas de Garza, Nuevo
Leon, Mexico C.P. 66480
FEI# 3004267685
*Jalapeno and Serrano peppers from the above shipper are subject to refusal of
admission unless it can be shown through documentation that the source is not
Campo Blanco S.A. de C.V., Tula, Tamaulipas, Mexico.

*Jesus Maximiano Carvajal     S    All Peppers from    Salmonella     8/12/2008
  Sepulveda                        Campo Blanco
Ave. Los Angeles No. 1000          24F[][]08
San Nicolas de los Garza      24F[][]99
Nuevo Leon
FEI# 2000044802
*Peppers from the above shipper are subject to refusal of admission unless it
can be shown through documentation that the source is not Campo Blanco S.A. De
C.V., Tula, Tamaulipas, Mexico.

*Juan Hernandez Gonzalez S  All Peppers from Salmonella     8/12/2008
Ave. Los Angeles No. 1000          Campo Blanco
89 Col. Garza Cantu           24F[][]08
San Nicolas de los Garza      24F[][]99
Nuevo Leon
FEI# 3003061240
*Peppers from the above shipper are subject to refusal of admission unless it
can be shown through documentation that the source is not Campo Blanco S.A. De
C.V., Tula, Tamaulipas, Mexico.

Comercializadora Angel        M    Basil               Salmonella     7/11/2008
Salvador S.A. De C.V.              28A[]B04
5 De Febrero E Abelardo Rodriguez  28A[]C04
San Jose Del Cabo
FEI #2000003453

Fatima's Colima Spr De Ri     M    Cantaloupe          Shigella  7/14/99
Colima Manzanillo KM 1,5      22A[]C01
Agrotecnolgia de Co
Colima, Mexico
FEI# 3001608532

Fernando R. Ruy Sanchez       M    Jalapeno Peppers    Salmonella     8/8/2008
Blvd. Benito Juarez #243 Oeste     24F[][]08
Caborca, Sonora, Mexico            24F[][]99
FEI# 3004311671

*Casco Produce, S.A. De C.V.  S    Jalapeno Peppers    Salmonella     8/8/2008
Reyes 1-130 Local 1 Entre          24F[][]08
Campeche Col. san Benito Rfc       24F[][]99
Sonora, Mexico
FEI# 3004689653

*Jalapeno peppers from the above shipper are subject to refusal of admission
unless it can be shown through documentation that the source is not Fernando
R. Ruy Sanchez, Caborca, Sonora, MX.

Francisco Javier Montano M    Serrano Peppers     Salmonella     10/7/08
Hepo                          Jalapeno Peppers
Calle Camargo No. 13,              24F[][]12
Cd. Jimenez, Chihuahua,            24F[][]13
Mexico                        24F[][]08
FEI #3006355456                    24F[][]99

*Vegxpress S.A. de C.V.       S    Serrano Peppers     Salmonella     10/7/08
Jose Lopez Hickman 603,            Jalapeno Peppers
Col. Caracol,                 24F[][]12
Monterrey, Nuevo Leon,             24F[][]13
64810 Mexico                  24F[][]08
FEI #3000164858                    24F[][]99
*Jalapeno and Serrano peppers from the above shipper are subject to refusal of
admission unless it can be shown through documentation that the source is NOT
Francisco Javier Montano Hepo, Cd. Jimenez, Chihuahua, Mexico.

Horticultores Unidos [Fields] M    Peppers        Salmonella     8/7/08
Ejido Penuelas,                    24F[][]08
Hidalgo, Tamaulipas, MX            24F[][]99
FEI# 3007064255

Horticultores Unidos de       S    Peppers        Salmonella     8/7/08
Allende SPR de RL                  24F[][]08
 aka Comercializadora El Maguey    24F[][]99
Calle Lorenzo Cavazos Tamez
No. 600 NTE.
Allende, Nuevo Leon, MX
FEI# 3007057297

*Huizache Field Products/Produce   S    All peppers from    Salmonella     8/7/08
Montanas Rocallosas No. 504             Horticultores
Col. Villa Esperanza                    Unidos
San Nicolas De Los Garza [Monterrey]    24F[][]08
Nuevo Leon, MX                     24F[][]99
FEI# 3006007092
*Peppers from the above shipper are subject to refusal of admission unless it
can be shown through documentation that the source is not Horticultores
Unidos, Tamaulipas, Mexico or Horticultores Unidos, Allende, Mexico (aka
Comercializadora El Maguey).

*Juventino Lozano Cavasos          S    All peppers from    Salmonella     8/7/08
Av. Los Angeles No. 1000 Bodega 6       Horticultores
San Nicolas de Los Garza [Monterrey]    Unidos
Nuevo Leon, MX                     24F[][]08
FEI# 3002683837                         24F[][]99
*Peppers from the above shipper are subject to refusal of admission unless it
can be shown through documentation that the source is not Horticultores
Unidos, Tamaulipas, Mexico or Horticultores Unidos, Allende, Mexico (aka
Comercializadora El Maguey).

*Productos Selectos Lozano    S    All peppers from    Salmonella     8/7/08
Av. Los Angeles #1000 Bodega 312   Horticultores
Col. Garza Cantu                   Unidos
San Nicolas De Los Garza [Monterrey]24F[][]08
Nuevo Leon, MX                24F[][]99
FEI# 3000164632
*Peppers from the above shipper are subject to refusal of admission unless it
can be shown through documentation that the source is not Horticultores
Unidos, Tamaulipas, Mexico or Horticultores Unidos, Allende, Mexico (aka
Comercializadora El Maguey).

Jaime Ramirez Herrera    M         Basil               Salmonella     1/27/09
Carr. La Bufadora Km. 05,          28A[]B04
Maneadero, B.C., Mexico            28A[]C04
FEI# 3007225994

*Luis Alberto Guerrero   S         Basil               Salmonella     1/27/09
Flores                        28A[]B04
Av. Lopez Mateos #344,             28A[]C04
Maneadero, B.C., Mexico
FEI# 3006645916
*Basil from the above shipper is subject to refusal of admission unless it can
be shown through documentation that the source is not Jaime Ramirez Herrera,
Maneadero, B.C., Mexico.

Mex Flores Produce,           M/S  Serrano Peppers     Salmonella     10/7/08
S.A. de C.V.                  24F[][]13
Carr. Jalapa - Veracruz            24F[][]08
km. 479, El Olmo -            24F[][]99
Las Trancas,
Jalapa, Veracruz,
Mexico 91190
FEI #3006320169

Rancho Rosarito               M    Cilantro       Salmonella     7/11/2008
Parcela 87 Ejido Mazatlan          24T[]B46
Canon De Rosarito S/n              24T[]C46
Rosarito, Mexico
FEI #3004318431
FEI #3005132869

Ricardo Javier Diaz Vega M    Cilantro       Salmonella     8/1/00
Bodega 24, Central de Abastos      24T[]C46
Toluca, Mexico
FEI #3001342516

Ricardo Sanchez Salazar       M    Parsley        Shigella  4/6/07
Rancho                        24T[]B21
#3 Canon del Padre Entre      24T[]C21
CAS El Vergel Y El Briseno,        Coriander      Shigella  4/6/07
Tijuana, BC, Mexico           (Cilantro)
FEI# 3005057563                    24T[]B46

Sociedad De Produccion Rural  M    Cilantro       Salmonella     5/4/00
De R. L. Legumbres San Francisco   24T[]C46
Dr. Paliza 101 Colonia Centenario
Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico
FEI# 1000572945

*Shipley Sales           S    Cantaloupes         Salmonella     5/25/01
130 Old Tucson Rd.            22A[]B01
Nogales, AZ 85628                  22A[]C01
FEI# 1000125577
*All cantaloupes sourced or from a shipper in Mexico being imported by the
above shipper are subject to refusal of admission.

The Herbal Garden Mexico M    Basil               Salmonella     9/6/07
S.A. De C.V.                  28A[][]04
Camino A La Playa S/n
La Barra De Colotepec
Puerto Escondidio, Oaxaca,
FEI# 3004300226

Valdominguez Spr De R.I       M    Broccoli (Rapini)   Salmonella     7/14/99
Lot 45 Col. Nuevo Leon, San Luis   24T[]C06
Rio Colorado, Sonora, Mexico
FEI# 3000095418

Verduras Deliciosas      M    Jalapeno Peppers*   Salmonella     9/4/08
S. de R.L. De C.V.            24F[][]12
Camino Rancho San Valenin          24F[][]08
S/n Colonia Loma De Perez          24F[][]99
Cd. Delicias, MX - CHH
Mexico 33050
FEI #3004283991
(Actual grower as evidenced by entry documentation)

Verduras Deliciosas,          M/S  Jalapeno Peppers*   Salmonella     9/4/08
S. de R.L. de C.V.            24F[][]12
Bosque del Rey No. 1846-302        24F[][]08
Col. Fracc. Sicomoro,              24F[][]99
Chihuahua, Chihuahua
Mexico 31276
FEI #3000955687 & 3007044275
(grower and shipper as declared in the entry)
*Jalapeno peppers from this firm have been declared as Pace peppers.

                    Trinidad & Tobago (TT, 887)

Firm Name and Address:        M/S: Product/       Reason:   DWPE
                              Product Code:            Date:

S. Ramklakan             M    Culantro       Salmonella     4/12/00
Rio Clara,                         24T[]C46*
Trinidad/Tobago                    24T[]B46*
FEI# 14208