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    Variable Star of the Season: EX Hydrae
Classified as an intermediate polar-type cataclysmic variable, EX Hya is also an eclipsing system. Much is known about this variable, but further observations are crucial to our understanding of this system. If possible, consider adding this interesting variable to your observing program. Read on to find out more...
Image credit: Mark A. Garlick
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News and Announcements  
Special Notice #158 Update to Special Notice 157 -- possible nova in Centaurus 05/13/09
Special Notice #156 Update on possible Nova in LMC from Special Notice #154 (revision of Special Notice #155) 05/09/09
Variable Stars and the Stories They Tell New Restless Universe podcast 05/07/09
AAVSO Special Notice #154 Possible nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 05/07/09
Alert Notice 395 Nova in Sagittarius 05/06/09
Workshop Dates and Web Site Name Latest blog post 05/06/09
The Very Long Mystery of Epsilon Aurigae 04/30/09
Canada's Largest Telescope to re-open PDF of press release. 04/29/09
March Solar Bulletin Includes SID and Sunspot numbers 04/29/09
Subscriptions to High-Energy Network GRB Notices now available via Blue & Gold 04/29/09
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