Indian Academy of Sciences
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The Academy, founded in 1934, aims at promoting the progress and upholding the cause of science in pure and applied branches. Major activities include publication of scientific journals and special volumes, organizing meetings of the Fellowship and discussions on important topics, recognizing scientific talent, improvement of science education and taking up other issues of concern to the scientific community.


The Academy's journals are 'open access' and full text is available as PDF files on each journal's website. See the Publications page for links to the journals and other Academy publications (including the newsletter Patrika, annual reports, and documents), or go to the journal of choice from the links below.

University education in science

Report on brainstorming session on science academies' initiative on post-school science education (2009; PDF file, 155 kbytes), held on 12 January 2009 at Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi.

'Restructuring post-school science teaching programmes' (2008; PDF file, 770 kbytes), a 'Position Paper' prepared on behalf of the three national science academies of India, explaining the limitations of the present system of post-school science education in India and proposing introduction of a four-year BS programme.

'Higher education in science and research & development: the challenges and the road ahead' (2006; PDF file, 160 kbytes), recommendations submitted to the Planning Commission for the 11th Five-Year Plan, prepared jointly by INSA and IAS.

Report on university education in science (1994).

Decadal vision documents

Astronomy & Astrophysics (2004; PDF file, 27 Mbytes)
This is the first of a series of documents that the Academy hopes to commission in selected areas that can serve as basis for planning future activities in the country. This document attempts to critically survey and assess the contributions by Indian astronomers and astrophysicists, as well as make a prioritized set of recommendations for new initiatives for a comprehensive growth of different areas of contemporary astronomy and astrophysics.

Towards Ayurvedic Biology (2006; PDF file, 500 kbytes)
This is the second 'decadal vision document' commissioned by the Academy 'to project the possibilities and imperatives in an area of strong tradition as well as great strength in India'. This document, authored by M.S. Valiathan, is 'an effort to place before the scientific community, especially that of India, the unique scientific opportunities that arise out of viewing Ayurveda from the perspective of contemporary science'.

Platinum Jubilee logoJubilee events

Jubilee meeting 1 - Programme (PDF file, 100 kbytes)

New Fellows elected in 2008

Summer Research Fellowships for Students and Teachers 2009


Annual and Mid-Year meetings

Presentations of some lectures at recent meetings are available.
Most recent: 74th Annual Meeting.

New Associates selected in 2008

Scientific values

The Council of the Academy had in 2003 constituted a Committee to consider and submit a report on ethical guidelines which the fellowship of the Academy should follow.
    The Committee submitted its report to the Council, which at its meeting in December 2005 approved this report (PDF file, 115 kbytes) as an Academy Document.
    A Panel on Scientific Values has been constituted to look into any complaints passed on to it by the President of the Academy.

Panel for Women in Science

The Council of the Indian Academy of Sciences had in January 2003 constituted a committee on women in science to look into issues of women scientists. more…

In remembrance . . .

The Academy regrets to report the passing of
S. D. Nigam, Ajit Ram Verma.

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