Supervision of Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac

FHFA has established a risk-based safety and soundness supervision program supported by a set of unique, but interrelated and interactive functions. The Office of Supervision provides oversight and ensures coordination among all FHFA mission-critical supervisory functions. These functions include programs for accounting and disclosure, capital adequacy, compliance, examination, financial analysis, policy development, quality assurance, and research. Each of these programs contributes to a comprehensive assessment of the safety and soundness of the Enterprises.

See this section to find detailed information reporting on FHFA's Supervision of the Enterprises including the following:

» Conforming Loan Limit
» OFHEO Annual Reports to Congress
» OFHEO Special Examination Reports
» OFHEO Supervision Handbook
» OFHEO Orders
» OFHEO Legal Filings
» Notice No. 2006-1 Order Docket