U.S. Department of Energy

Office of Scientific & Technical Information


OSTI Partnerships and Strategic Alliances

OSTI has a track record of success in collaboration across a range of communities. OSTI's ability to forge partnerships and strategic alliances opens avenues for researchers and the American public to gain appropriate and ready access to both historic and ongoing research and development information.

Department of Energy

Scientific and Technical Information Program (STIP)

Throughout its history, OSTI has maintained responsibility in the policy areas of STI management. OSTI coordinates the Department-wide STIP, a complex-wide collaboration to accelerate the sharing of R&D results. OSTI coordinates STIP through an infrastructure that involves designated STI points of contact at the Operations and Field Offices and at the National laboratories and other contractor facilities.

Scientific and Technical Information Advisory Board (STIAB)

STIAB was established to provide a forum on STI policy and encourage appropriate dissemination and preservation of scientific knowledge embodied in textual and numeric data produced across the DOE complex. Members represent the Department's Program Secretarial Offices, the National Nuclear Security Administration, as well as other DOE Headquarters offices that impact STI policies. OSTI supports the group.


Science.gov Alliance

OSTI hosts Science.gov, an interagency initiative of 17 U.S. government science organizations within 13 Federal agencies. These agencies form the voluntary Science.gov Alliance. Visitors to the site can search via one query across Alliance agency resources and access the U.S. government's vast stores of scientific and technical information.


OSTI is an active member of the community of federal agencies and organizations responsible for handling the nation's federally funded STI. CENDI is an interagency working group of senior Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Managers from 13 U.S. federal agencies. These agencies represent approximately 97 percent of the federal R&D budget. OSTI represents the Department of Energy.

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

National Technical Information Service (NTIS) serves as a public outlet for Federal report information, and OSTI has a long standing relationship with NTIS to provide research results from the Department of Energy to further public access.


OSTI leverages its longstanding collections of Department of Energy R&D information to gain access to international STI. This access benefits the U.S. science and research community.  For links to specific databases/portals, see international information resources.

WorldWideScience Alliance
WorldWideScience.org is a global science gateway—accelerating scientific discovery and progress through a multilateral partnership to enable federated searching of national and international scientific databases and portals. WorldWideScience.org gives citizens, researchers, and anyone interested in science the capability to search national science portals from participating nations. Patrons will get the most current information from around the world in fields such as energy, medicine, agriculture, environment, and basic sciences.  The Deparment of Energy, through OSTI, partnered bilaterally with the British Library to create WorldWideScience.org, which has now grown into a multilateral WorldWideScience Alliance for governance. WorldWideScience.org is maintained by OSTI. OSTI Director Walt Warnick and associate director Brian Hitson are OSTI’s participants in the Alliance.

IEA Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDE)
Under the auspices of the International Energy Agency, ETDE is an implementing agreement initiated in 1987. Through its member countries and international partners, ETDE provides an extensive bibliographic and full text database announcing published energy research and technology information. OSTI represents the U.S. Department of Energy in the agreement and provides the U.S. input. Brian Hitson, the U.S. delegate to ETDE, currently serves as chairman of the ETDE Executive Committee. OSTI also serves as the ETDE Operating Agent for ETDE, managing the agreement and its web version of the database, ETDEWEB. Debbie Cutler, OSTI International Program Manager, serves as Operating Agent Representative.

IAEA International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Under the aegis of the International Atomic Energy Agency, INIS provides a comprehensive information reference service for literature on the peaceful applications of nuclear science and technology. OSTI played an instrumental role in the creation of INIS in 1969/1970 and continues to provide the U.S. INIS Liaison Officer and the U.S. nuclear STI input to INIS.  Brian Hitson serves as the primary INIS Liaison Officer, and Debbie Cutler, the alternate INIS Liaison Officer.

International Council for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI)
ICSTI offers a unique forum for interaction between organizations that create, disseminate and use scientific and technical information. The ICSTI mission cuts across scientific and technical disciplines, as well as international borders, to give member organizations the benefit of a truly global community. OSTI represents the Department of Energy in ICSTI, joining other U.S. and international organizations. Walt Warnick and Brian Hitson represent OSTI in ICSTI. Mr. Hitson is currently serving as Chair of the Technical Activities Coordinating Committee.

Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Databank
OSTI is one of several DOE entities that participate in an international agreement with NEA for software and data exchanges. OSTI’s Energy Science and Technology Software Center (ESTSC) and the NEA Databank cooperate on software exchanges.

Additional Public Access

Commercial search engines

OSTI is making DOE's STI accessible to public search engines through partnerships and collaboration with commercial search engines such as Yahoo!, Google, and MSN.


By implementing an Alert Service for patrons of arXiv, a service of Cornell University Library System, OSTI automatically notifies users of the latest information posted on arXiv. OSTI provides this special interface for e-print arXiv patrons (www.osti.gov/eprints/arxivalerts.html) through its E-print Network, vast, integrated network of electronic scientific and technical information created by scientists and research engineers active in their respective fields, intended for use by other scientists, engineers, and students at advanced levels.


OSTI pioneered this first-of-a-kind government–private partnership with CrossRef, a nationally recognized reference-linking service for scholarly and professional content, in order to facilitate access to the Agency's vast stores of scientific and technical information. OSTI and CrossRef are using Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) to facilitate the access to 110,000 science research reports available electronically on OSTI's Information Bridge. A DOI provides a way to track, exchange, and manage content over time in the digital universe, regardless of changing information related to that content.


In an effort to increase and encourage scholarly communication and to disseminate research, OSTI's E-print Network was chosen as a Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition partner. The selection recognized the contribution of the E-print Network to expanded availability and use of open-access scientific and technical research on the Internet. The E-print Network utilizes a unique deep web search capability that combines full-text searching through PDF documents residing on e-print websites with a distributed search across e-print databases.

National Science Digital Library (NSDL)/Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)

OSTI’s establishment of an OAI server immediately opened more than 110,000 records for harvesting by the NSDL and other OAI users, such as OCLC, achieving broader exposure of searchable science through OSTI’s suite of R&D databases. By becoming a data provider adopting the OAI technical framework, OSTI took another step toward easing access and search of the deep web.


East Tennessee Valley Corridor (TVC) and the East Tennessee Economic Council (ETEC)

OSTI works with numerous information and technical organizations across the state of Tennessee and throughout the East Tennessee Technology Corridor, which spans Chattanooga, through Knoxville, to Johnson City, in support of important economic, science and technology initiatives. OSTI has partnered with a wide variety of civic, educational, and Government-sponsored organizations.