The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) requires certain lending institutions to make annual public disclosures of their small business, small farm and community development lending activity.  The CRA Aggregate and Disclosure system provides access to each lending institution's individual Disclosure Statement, Aggregate Tables covering the lending activity of all institutions subject to CRA for each MSA and non-MSA portion of each state as well as National Aggregate Tables covering the lending activity of all institutions for the entire nation.
Content of CRA National Aggregates

The National Aggregates contain nine tables as follows: 

TABLE 1 Originations and Purchases for Small Business and Farm Loans 
TABLE 2-1 Number of Business Loans by Neighborhood Characteristics
TABLE 2-2 Amount of Business Loans by Neighborhood Characteristics
TABLE 2-3 Number of Farm Loans by Neighborhood Characteristics
TABLE 2-4 Amount of Farm Loans by Neighborhood Characteristics
TABLE 3 Community Development Lending 
TABLE 4-1 Commercial Bank Lending by Asset Size
TABLE 4-2 Savings Association Lending by Asset Size
TABLE 4-3 Institution Lending by Asset Size

Public Availability

CRA Disclosure Statements and MSA Aggregates are available to the public through the FFIEC.  The FFIEC is responsible for:

- Storing the CRA data; 
- Retaining the data for public disclosure for a period of 5 years; and 
- Making the data available to the public (nominal fees may apply). 

To purchase the CRA data on CD-ROM (available for years 1996-2004), contact the CRA Assistance Line at the number below.


If you have any questions about the Disclosure Statements, MSA Aggregate Tables or National Aggregate Tables contact the CRA Assistance Line at (202) 872-7584 or send an e-mail to

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