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Labor Employer Reporting Instructions
Part VIII - Employer Reporting System (ERS) Internet User Instructions
Chapter 1:  Introduction  


The site, https://secure.rrb.gov/employer, is an official United States Government site intended for use by employers covered under the Railroad Retirement and Railroad Unemployment Insurance Acts in filing service and compensation reports with the Railroad Retirement Board and related activities. The site is referred to as the Employer Reporting System (ERS.)

Overview of Employer Reporting Site

The ERS web site includes or will include:

  • roles-based access system,
  • forms that employers can complete and file on line with RRB,
  • informational notices made available to employers on line,
  • request forms sent to employers for their response,
  • summary reports of compensation processed on the system, and
  • e-mail notices to employers and e-mail comments to RRB.

Forms will be added to the site periodically. The three forms listed in the following paragraph are currently available. Nearly all the forms that the RRB and employers use to exchange information will eventually be available for Internet filing. In the mean time, some sections may be reserved for future instructions.

Overview of this Part

This part consists of the following chapters:

  • Introduction;
  • General instructions for accessing and using the ERS System;
  • How to initiate a service and compensation report to RRB;

    a. BA-4, Report of Creditable Compensation Adjustments,
    b. BA-6a, Form BA-6 Address Report,
  • How to reply to a form request from RRB;

    a. BA-6a, Form BA-6 Address Report,
    b. GL-129a, Record of Employer Determination on Employee Protest
  • Informational notices to employers;
  • E-mail: Notices to employers and employer comments to RRB;
  • Summary reports of compensation processed using this system;
  • Guidelines for Access and Security; and
  • Form DC-1 on RRBLink Internet Site.

What is not in this Part

The instructions in this Part are limited to using the Internet site. Instructions for determining what constitutes creditable and reportable service and compensation are found in Part IV. Form BA-12, Application for Employer Reporting System, is in the Exhibits.

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