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Subscribe to NEH's Fellowships Update has reported sporadic registration and submission problems for individual applicants. In an effort to inform and advise NEH applicants of difficulties as they arise, NEH has set up an optional Fellowships Update listserv. To register for this listserv, provide your name and e-mail address below and press the "Continue" button. You will receive e-mail related to submission information only. After the May 5 deadline, NEH will discontinue this listserv.

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Note About Your Privacy

The NEH respects your privacy. We will only use this e-mail list to send you information about the NEH fellowships programs. If you wish to unsubscribe, we will honor your request and not contact you any more. Should any issues arise (e.g. you are trying to unsubscribe and it doesn't work), feel free to contact NEH staff by sending an e-mail to

Read the NEH's Privacy Policy.