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FY 09 Acquisition Forecast
John C. Stennis Space Center (SSC)

LEGEND: YELLOW - Addition to Previous Forecast BLUE - Awarded Item or Deletion from Previous Forecast WHITE - Continuing Item from Previous Forecast

SSC 9999 SUPS 1 1 2009 NONE Y P. Hebert 228-688-2995 A-3 High Speed DAS 3
SSC 5830 SUPS 2 3 2009 FULL Y M. Mick 228-688-1814 Construction of Records Retention Facility 3
SSC 9999 SUPS 1 2 2009 FULL Y Scott Olive 228-688-2578 Vertical & Horizontal Test Diffusers (1 buy) 3
SSC 8120 SUPS 3 2 2009 FULL Y Scott Olive 228-688-2578 Gaseous Nitrogen Storage Bottles 3
SSC Y291 SERV 3 1 2009 FULL Y Scott Olive 228-688-2578 General Contractor for A3 Test Stand 2
SSC Y182 SERV 1 2 2009 TBD Y Gary Taylor 228-688-7244 AJ26 Piping system fabrication (vacuum jacket items) 1
SSC C118 SERV 1 1 2009 TBD Y Gary Taylor 228-688-7244 AJ26 A&E Design support  1
SSC 4810 SUPS 1 2 2009 TBD Y Stan Gill 228-688-1479 Procurement of a 96" water valve replacement in the Test Complex 1
SSC J043 SERV 1 3 2010 TBD Y Doug McNair 228-688-7988 Rebuild/Refurbishment of Air compressor at High Pressure Gas Facility 1
SSC N012 SERV 2 1 2009 NONE Y Dale Sewell 228-688-2642 Install Flame Bucket E-1 Test Stand 2
SSC 4210 SUPS 1 3 2010 TBD Y Clyde Dease 228-688-1905 Ladder Fire Truck  1
SSC Y182 SERV 2 2 2009 TBD Y Gary Taylor 228-688-7244 AJ26 Civil and structure package (cement / pilings / steel / excavation type work) 2
SSC 4810 SUPS 1 1 2009 TBD Y Gary Taylor 228-688-7244 AJ26 Valves and Components 2
SSC 4810 SUPS 1 2 2010 NONE Y S. Warren 228-688-7111 Replacement / spare valve & actuator for 96² Butterfly Valve  3
SSC 4810 SUPS 1 4 2010 TBD Y S. Warren 228-688-7111 Rebuild valve and actuator for  75² Double Gated Valve 3
SSC 7035 SUPS 2 2 2009 NONE Y P. Hebert 228-688-2995 A-3 Low speed Data Acquisition System (DAS) 3
SSC 5836 SUPS 1 4 2009 TBD Y P. Hebert 228-688-2995 A-3 Low Speed Video System 3
SSC 5836 SUPS 1 4 2009 TBD Y P. Hebert 228-688-2995 A-3 High Speed Video System 3
SSC S112 SERV 1 2 2009 TBD Y Matt Willis 228-688-7678 Distributed Switching  3
SSC K061 SERV 1 2 2009 TBD Y Matt Willis 228-688-7678 Emergency Lighting 3
SSC S112 SERV 1 2 2009 TBD Y Matt Willis 228-688-7678 GFE Transformers 3
SSC Y159 SERV 3 3 2009 NONE Y Troy Frisbee 228-688-1989 Cyrogenics Facility Mitigations (Construction) 3
SSC 9999 SUPS 2 3 2009 NONE Y Scott Olive 228-688-2578 A-3 Steam Generators 3
SSC J099 SERV 2 2 2009 TBD Y Gary Benton 228-688-2308 Repair & Refurbish Thrust Measurement System at A-1 1
SSC 5998 SUPS 1 2 2009 TBD Y Dave Liberto 228-688-3238 B Test Stand High Speed Data Acquisition front end equipment 1
SSC C122 SERV 3 2 2009 TBD Y Dale Woolridge 228-688-1655 Expansion of Hwy 607 (A&E) 1
SSC C129 SERV 3 2 2009 TBD Y Michelle Craft 228-688-2158 North and South Entrance Security Gates (A&E) 1
SSC C129 SERV 2 4 2009 TBD Y Brennan Sanders 228-688-3243 A-2 Propulsion Test Facility Mods (A&E) 1
SSC Y159 SERV 2 3 2009 TBD Y Mak Kersanac 228-688-3682 Replace gaseous pipe systems from HPGF to test complex 1
SSC Y159 SERV 2 2 2009 TBD Y Mak Kersanac 228-688-3682 Nitrogen, phase 2 1
SSC C117 SERV 1 3 2009 TBD Y Troy Frisbie 228-688-1989 Modification of Warehouse Docking (A&E) 1
SSC N099 SERV 2 2 2009 NONE Y Mark Mick 228-688-1814 Install new Thrust Measurement System 1
SSC D301 SERV 3 4 2009 TBD Y Dinna Cottrell 228-688-2759 Information Technology/ Technical Services 1
SSC N4810 SERV 1 3 2011 TBD Y Stan Warren 228-688-7111 Install 96" Valve Within the HPIW-D System   0
SSC J1930 SERV  2 3 2010 NONE Y Stan Warren 228-688-7111 Rehab of LOX Barge at Shipyard (CRYO Area) 0
SSC J099 SERV 2 3 2009 TBD Y Dale Sewell 228-688-2642 Replace Cryogenic Transfer Lines 0

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Last Revised: 15 April 2009
NASA Official: Michelle Stracener (


CNTR:Identifies the Center/Activity conducting the Procurement
ARC - Ames Research Center
DFRC - Dryden Flight Research Center
GRC - Glenn Research Center
GSFC - Goddard Space Flight Center
HQ - NASA Headquarters
SSPO - International Space Station Program Office
JSC - Johnson Space Center
KSC - Kennedy Space Center
LaRC - Langley Research Center
MSFC - Marshall Space Flight Center
SSC - Stennis Space Center
WFF - GSFC/Wallops Flight Facility
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Indicates the Product and Service Code (PSC) applicable to the forecasted procurement as described in the Federal Procurement Data System Manual. PSCs have up to four alphanumeric identifiers. The first one or two elements of the PSC generally correspond to the codings used to categorize procurements published in the Commerce Business Daily. As much of the PSC as possible is used, depending on the current knowledge of the procurement.
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Identifies the procurement category as Research and Development (R&D), Services (SERV), or Supplies and Equipment (SUPS), according to the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) definitions.
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Indicates the approximate dollar value by the following ranges:
1 = $100,001 to $1,000,000
2 = $1,000,001 to $5,000,000
3 = Above $5,000,000
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Indicates the anticipated time, by quarter (RELQTR) and Government fiscal year (RELFY), for the release of the solicitation. The Government fiscal year begins on October 1.
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Identifies the extent to which the procurement is presently considered to be exclusively available for small and small disadvantaged businesses to perform. "FULL" indicates a full set-aside is contemplated; "PART" indicates a partial set-aside is expected; "NONE" indicates that no set-aside is currently planned; and "TBD" means that no preliminary determination has been made.
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Indicates whether the procurement is expected to be competitive ("Y") or non-competitive ("N").
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Identifies the name of a NASA employee at the procuring activity who is knowledgeable of the procurement and who can assist interested parties in assessing their abilities to participate in the procurement, either as a prime or subcontractor.
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Identifies the commercial telephone number of the person named as the Point of Contact.
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Provides the principal requirements of the procurement and any other information the procuring activity considers to be useful to potential sources.
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Indicates whether the procurement has been updated since the previous forecast. New listings will be identified by "0". Each time a previously forecast procurement is updated, this entry will be correspondingly annotated. For example, a procurement ation that has had some of its forecast information revised twice since its original publication would have the number "2" in this column.
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Owner: Michelle Stracener  |  Curator: SDC Operations, (228) 688 - 2525, option 3  |  NASA Official: Susan Dupuis
Last revised: 15 April 2009