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Doing Business

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Cyber Security Users Agreement
The user's agreement is for those seeking access to specific restricted cyber resources at Sandia. You will be directed to submit this page prior to being issued credentials for the requested resource and you will need to renew (submit) this agreement on an annual basis."


Sandia National Laboratories, a government research and development (R&D) laboratory, values its interactions with private industry. Whether by purchasing goods and services, or transferring technology through Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs) or licensing of technology, Sandia is committed to cultivating the highest quality relationships.

To investigate technology transfer at Sandia:

Technology Partnership: Sandia works closely with industry, small business, universities and government agencies to bring technologies to the marketplace.

To sell products or services to Sandia:

Procurement: Sandia is one of the National Nuclear Security Administration's (NNSA) largest and most diverse R&D facilities. As such, we purchase a wide variety of products and services.

To learn more about and utilize Sandia's Small Business Resources:

Small Business: Sandia has a history of placing contracts with the small business community. Sandia is dedicated to working with and strengthening the small business community by delivering many no-cost services.