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Apr 8

Written by: Jason Rhody
4/8/2009 3:39 PM 

We are pleased to announce the awardees from the DFG/NEH Bilateral Symposia and Workshops program.  This program offers support for digital humanities projects funded by NEH in collaboration with the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft e.V., DFG) in Germany. These grants require collaboration between U.S. and German entities and provide funding for up to two joint symposia or workshops in the area of digital humanities.

The grants were awarded to:

  • The "Big Digs" Go Digital (American School of Classical Studies at Athens and the German Archaeological Institute), on the application of digital technologies to better preserve, study, and make accessible the data from large-scale, long-term archaeological digs.
  • New methods for working with old languages: Corpus Linguistics and the future of Textual Scholarship (Tufts University and Humboldt University in Berlin), on state-of-the-art computing in field of classical philology and cyberinfrastructure for the study of historical linguistic sources.
  • Digital Music Notation Data Model and Prototype Delivery System (University of Virginia and Universities of Paderborn and Detmold), on developing methods, standards, and software for a scholarly music notation system.
  • Epigraphic Interoperability Workshops (New York University and Heidelberg University Academy of Sciences), on developing interoperability for important digital resources dedicated to the study of Greek and Roman antiquity.

More details are available in the awards list (PDF).  Congratulations to the awardees.

 Upcoming Dates & Events Minimize
Digital Humanities 2009 Conference

June 22-25, 2009. ODH staff will be attending the Digital Humanities 2009 conference in College Park, MD.  The conference is hosted by the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities at the University of Maryland.

Deadline for the Digging into Data Challenge

March 15, 2009:  Letters of Intent due.
July 15, 2009:  Final applications due. 

For more information, check out the competition website.
