Organization Last Name First Name
AMTI/NASA Ames Bailey Ron
Argonne National Laboratory Allcock Bill
Argonne National Laboratory Bair Ray
Argonne National Laboratory Coghlan Susan
Barcelona Supercomputing Center Girona Sergi
Battelle/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Cowley Dave
Battelle/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Regimbal Kevin
Battelle/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Stott Gene
Cray Inc. Becklehimer Jeff
Cray Inc. Marazzi Tom
Cray Inc. Stelljes Kevin
Department of Energy Helland Barbara
Department of Energy Hitchcock Dan
Department of Energy Johnson Fred
Department of Energy Meador Stephen
DoD HPCMP Comes Brad
Forschungszentrum Julich, Germany Wolkersdorfer Klaus
IBM Kim Chulho
Indiana University Hancock Dave
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Jung Gary
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory McParland Chuck
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Simon Horst
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Wang Ucilia
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Bailey Anna Maria
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Cupps Kim
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Quinn Terri
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Seager Mark
Linux Networx, Inc. Sundstrom Sunny
Los Alamos National Laboratory Tomlinson Bob
Maui High Performance Computing Center McCraney Mike
NASA Ames Research Center Ciotti Bob
NCAR Bettge Tom
NCAR Engel Tom
NCAR New Gary
NCSA/University of Illinois Hoyenga Wayne
NCSA/University of Illinois Pennington Rob
NERSC/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Butler Tina
NERSC/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Cardo Nicholas
NERSC/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Davis Thomas
NERSC/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Draney Brent
NERSC/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Gerber Richard
NERSC/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Lee Jason
NERSC/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Lowe Steve
NERSC/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Rippe Lynn
NERSC/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Skinner David
NERSC/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Verdier Francesca
NERSC/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Walter Howard
NERSC/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Wasserman Harvey
NERSC/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory  Kramer Bill
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Baker Ann
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Bland Buddy
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Geist Al
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Rogers Jim
Ohio Supercomputer Center Wohlever Kevin
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Michaels George
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center Kasdorf Jim
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center Scott Jray
San Diego Supercomputer Center Kovatch Patricia
San Diego Supercomputer Center/UCSD Andrews Phil
Sandia National Laboratories Ballance Robert
Sandia National Laboratories Martinez Dave
Science and Technology Facilities Council Blake Richard
STFC Daresbury Laboratory Kummer Paul
Sun Microsystems Dowling Daniel
Sun Microsystems Mooney Tim
Sun Microsystems Ribeiro Renato
Sun Microsystems Vieira Wayne
Texas Advanced Computing Center Minyard Tommy
TU Dresden, ZIH Nagel Wolfgang E.