NERSC logo National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Bay Area HPC Centers Services Workshop

May 1, 2009
NERSC Oakland Scientific Facility
215 Thomas L. Berkley Way (20th Street)
Oakland, CA

The Bay Area High Performance Scientific Computing Centers Services Workshop will be held Friday, May 1, 2009 at NERSC's Oakland Scientific Facility (Visitor Info). The workshop will bring together Bay Area HPC center staff to discuss and develop best practices for helping domain scientists make effective use of complex world-class computing resources.

Each session will consist of a guided discussion on the topic listed. Participants are asked to identify topics of particular concern to themselves and raise them during the appropriate session or during open discussions at the end of the day.


8:30 Welcome & introductions
8:45 Day's outline
9:00 Communication with users and other center groups
10:00 Refreshments - Discussions continue
10:15 Documentation and web technologies and content management
11:15 Help desk and trouble tickets
12:00 Working lunch: Biggest challenges in providing HPC user services
1:00 Metrics
2:00 Training and outreach
2:30 Refreshments - Discussions continue
2:45 Software installation and support; user computing environment
3:30 Open discussion, best practices document development
4:30 Adjorn

Attendee List

Katie Antypas NERSC, Berkeley Lab
Blaise Barney Lawrence Livermore National Lab
Jonathan Carter NERSC, Berkeley Lab
Tim Fahey Lawrence Livermore National Lab
Richard Gerber NERSC, Berkeley Lab
Helen He NERSC, Berkeley Lab
Eric Hjort NERSC, Berkeley Lab
Barbara Jennings Sandia National Laboratory
Lilia Martinez Sandia National Laboratory
Krishna Muriki Cluster Support, Berkeley Lab
Charles Niggley NASA-Ames Research Center
Catherine Schulbach NASA-Ames Research Center
Leigh Ann Tanner NASA-Ames Research Center
Dave Turner NERSC, Berkeley Lab
Francesca Verdier NERSC, Berkeley Lab

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